The Perfect Party

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2002

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"Dude, Kickin' Party Man" What makes a great party? Nothing much actually, just a couple of friends, some food, mixed with a little music, a house to house it, and a great ambiance.

When one needs to plan a party, that is, either of want, need, or because you got the short end of the stick and the annual "bash" is at your house this year, is what kind of party is it supposed to be? Is it going to be a "fun filled holiday family get-together", or is it going to try to be one of the greatest parties ever done just to show people that you can hold the best parties? For the purpose of this essay the party will be a "small" homecoming party, that is, not too much commotion but just enough to have the neighbors on the verge of calling the police.

The date is the an important part of planning a party, I would think it is the second most important part next to the idea of hosting a party.

The date is really important because you cannot have a successful party if you know all of the people you were thinking of inviting are going to be out of the country. As stated before, it is going to be a homecoming party so the party should take place after the homecoming game, which ""hopefully- the home team won.

To think of a successful party is to invite successful "partiers", that is, to invite people you know are going to liven the party. After the main "party people" have been added to a list it should be a good idea to think where this said homecoming party is going to take place because you do not want three hundred rowdy high school seniors in a basement. A house should be fine, but a house with durable wooden or linoleum floors would be prodigious on the fact that you do not have to deal with stains to the carpet.

The supplies take considerable notion at a party, because people will leave if you don't have anything to eat. As a matter of fact, good host not only have food, but drinks as well. I don't mean alcoholic drinks, even thought the liquor is bound to rear its smelly little head at one point or another. The second main supply in a high school homecoming party is the chips. You might want to buy the largest bags you can find since they do provide with more chip per dollar, and as some long gone forgotten person said, "the more you save, the happier you'll be." Two things that go "hand in hand" are chips and dip. You cannot have chips if you do not have the dip; it is a crime against the basic fundamentals of a great party! The greatest dip, in my opinion, is the "sour cream "˜n' onion" variety sold at any local supermarket, but a wholesale retailer may have a better price. Chip dip has to taste good, so the opinion of a couple people can make a difference. You may want to experiment with the powder dips since, because of their ease, many people prefer them. Math then plays a big part in figuring the bag-per-ounce ratio of the dip. After these four main subjects of a party have been established, a creative notion would be the invitations. Do not spend too much time on these since they are going to be thrown in the trash anyway. Creative notions aside chip and dip in place, music reaching a moderate level, and parents out of town, people will slowly show up. You might not want to linger long after the game otherwise people will get to the said house and leave because there is no one there.

During the party it is a good idea to wander around and gather reactions and opinions from the guest and the "guests" that is, people you have not seen at school. Their opinions matter since they have no ties to you and will critique the party extensively so they will be an important factor in rating your party.

The part most host dread is what happens after that last sober person leaves. First you need to carry the "passed-out booze hounds" out on to the street, you might want to be careful and wear gloves since these drunkards tend to expel bodily fluids trough the mouth. You cannot play "clean-up crew" by yourself so be able to keep a couple of your friends to help. Important note: wear gloves at all times during the cleaning process since it will determine if you are going to spend your weekend "vegetating" in front of the television set, or trying to get rid of the odd smell from under your nails. Trash bags are very important. Avoid buying economy trash bags, instead buy thick, and I mean thick trash bags because trash all over a spot in the house you just spent half an hour cleaning up is really frustrating. Since the said house is linoleum and wood, learn how to mop and have a mop handy incase someone spills their beer-I mean drink on the floor. A great product to remove the strange smells from sofas is Febreeze since it does neutralize odors and leaves a fresh scent behind. After you clean up the party, the best part of the reward is actually not whether you achieved having the best party ever, but the fact that your parents actually think you cleaned the house out of the goodness of your heart. This, my friends, is how you become a legend without your parents knowing the slightest detail about it, and getting rewarded for it.