The Pigman by Paul Zindel

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a great book for any age. This book is about two kids named John and Lorraine and they played on the phone and made an old man's mind all twisted, his was Mr. Pignati ( A.K.A the Pigman). They practically just barge into his life. Anyways they become really good friends and start spending alot of time together. Mr. Pignati is really lonely since his wife Conchetta died, but he tells the kids that she is out on vacation in California with his sister. Later on they all go to the zoo and meet a baboon named Bobo. Bobo and Mr. Pignati are real good friends because Mr. Pignati goes to the zoo everyday to meet Bobo and feed him peanuts. Soon Bobo dies from pneumonia meanwhile Mr. Pignati is in the hospital. He is in the hospital from falling down the stairs. He fell down the stairs from having a heart attack.

The Pigman by Paul Zindel is a great book for any age. This story is about two kids named John and Lorraine. They played on a phone and met an old man named Mr. Pignati. They twisted his mind a lot by practically just barging into his life. Anyways they all become real good friends and spend a lot of time together. Mr. Pignati is really is really lonely since his wife Conchetta is dead. He tells the kids that she is out on a vacation in California with his sister. Later on they all go to the zoo to meet a baboon named Bobo. Mr. Pignati is real close to Bobo since he can't be real close to anyone else. Soon after that Bobo dies from pneumonia meanwhile Mr. Pignati is in the hospital. The pigman is in the hospital because he was using roller skates and was running up a staircase and had a heart attack and fell down the stairs. They all go to the zoo to go check up on Bobo and then he gets the news that he is dead Mr. Pignati also dies. I think that the pigman dies because he lost a big part of him. Also when the pigman died the kids were very sad because they were very close like family. What we noticed about the main characters is that their attitudes change a lot as the story unfolds.

In the beginning of the story Lorraine was very mad at John and his drinking and smoking problems. He use to always disappoint her. She really wanted him to quit. He kind of cut back on everything throughout the story. She cared a lot about her friends and family. When she played on the phone she acted as if she were with a charity and John wanted to collect the money from the old man but Lorraine thought it would be bad and mean so that means she cared. She became real tight with Mr. Pignati and cared a lot about him. She also thought that John was cute and didn't care how she looked but at the end when they started a real relationship she wanted to look better for him so I think she gained a lot self-esteem. When Mr. Pignati died she cried a lot and was really sad and cried a lot. I think she felt like it was really sad. I think she felt like it was kind of their fault because if they had never barged into his life he would have never barged into his life he would probably still be living right now.

Another one of the main characters is John. He is the type of person that only cares about himself. He didn't care about Mr. Pignati when he took his money. He started caring when the pigman and him were real good friends and he started buying him things. John also never got the way like Lorraine had wanted him to, like stop drinking and smoking. He really never cared about how she felt about him. When John and Lorraine kissed his whole attitude changed and he started treating her like a slave and he was the king of the house and of her. He gave her orders and told her what to do meanwhile he was being lazy just on the couch watching t.v. in other words he took advantage of her. When Mr. Pignati died John felt very sad because along with the Pigman dying so did a part of John and Lorraine.

One of the most important characters in this book is Mr. Pignati. He is probably the one that changes the most. Before Lorraine ever called him he was fine, he was just an old man living peacefully by himself. After she called and John and her went to his house he got excited and wanted to be a kid again so he acted a lot like one. He laughed and played with the younger kids as if he was trying to fit in. He enjoyed the time he spent with John and Lorraine very much. I think that they were all so close they felt like family. I think the part that made Mr. Pignati break down the most was when they had a party at his house because he trusted and they disobeyed his trust.

In my paper I mostly wrote about how the characters change throughout the story. The characters change a lot as they find out things and as they get to be better friends. I talked about how their feelings and attitudes changed. All of the characters feelings and attitudes change as the story progresses. They all started to care a lot about eachother.