Pingpong - Forehand Technique

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade August 2001

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Table Tennis Paper One of my favorite techniques in the sport of table tennis is the forehand. The forehand, along with the backhand, has been used since the inception of the sport. The use of the forehand goes back even farther, to the days when tennis first became a sport. You could even argue that there are similarities between the forehand and a batters swing in baseball. The forehand is extremely versatile. Backspin, topspin, sidespin, and any combination of those can be applied to the ball with the proper use of the forehand. This can be done with the forehand serve or just by returning the ball with a forehand shot.

The forehand begins when preparing to hit the ball. To hit a proper forehand you should begin by moving naturally. First, step and move into the ball, shifting your weight into the spot where you will be hitting the ball.

Keep your motions smooth. Choppy motions are never going to make a better forehand. Keep your wrist still as well. Do not use only your wrist to hit the ball. Use your entire arm. The wrist can be used at the end of the shot to add spin to the ball. Spin is mainly added by the angle the paddle has when hitting the ball. If you hear a solid "thump" when hitting the ball this usually means that you did not add much spin to it. In fact, pro players have been known to stamp their foot when hitting the ball to try and trick their opponent into thinking they did not add spin to the ball. Also, try to keep your body rotation to a minimum. If you cut down on your body rotation, it should help your forehand feel and play better.

The forehand shot or serve in table tennis is probably the first shot that anyone learns. It is perhaps the easiest shot to pull off in table tennis, but takes years to master completely.