A Poem On Birds And Men

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Question 2 The speaker of this poem expresses his feelings about birds and men in every stanza. Using metaphors and dictions, he/she is able to put all that details in creating a masterpiece of nature and society to make up a poem as a whole. In the comparisons between nature and society, he finds nature more favorable than society.

In the first stanza, the speaker illustrates his opinions on the characteristics of the birds on every line. The first line describes how birds start their mission at four o'clock. Here, the speaker views the birds as creatures that spring out at an early time. He feels that they are no indolent in doing their jobs. He is praising and admiring the birds for their daily routine. Second line shows that it is their morning time already. He feels that this certain time would be too early for humans.

He favors the birds because they are ready for a new day everyday. A simile is used in lines 3-4 to show that the music of the birds is infinite. An implication of how humans can get tire of something real quick is shown on these two lines. In contrast, the birds will restlessly sing their songs, never getting tire of it. This music created by the birds at the same time creates a very warm and vivid feeling. This creation suggests its connection to bring froth the feeling of noon.

In the second stanza, a metaphor is applied to depict the powers of the songs that the birds create. The songs of the birds are replaced with the word force. He feels that even though songs are abstract, it can actually create a concrete affect. This force then has the power to vibrate and shake itself on the brooks. This type of force is similar to the force where a loud noise can vibrate and crack the glass of a mirror. In turn, it shows how these melodious songs can be equally powerful as loud noises as well. This is also like a force where an army of cells multiplies at the pond. This depicts how these songs can have the ability to grow and expand in echo as cells grow and expand.

In the third stanza, the speaker feels that men have forgotten about nature. He uses comparison between two types of people to show his feeling. He feels that there are no listeners of the songs of birds. People that live in the city and suburbs area, he believes, are too industrial-oriented. They either do not get the chance to appreciate nature or just do not appreciate nature at all. The only people that pay attention to nature are those that work in the heartland of a farm. These people listen and appreciate to the chirps and shrieks of the songs of the birds.

The fourth and fifth stanza involves diction and metaphors to depict his perspectives of humans and nature. The word "it" is used on the first line that refers to a song of the birds. The speaker feels that the birds are not pretentious. They sing because they just do what they need to do. He uses the word "independent" to show that nature is independent from men. Nature is completely different than the whelm of the society of mankind. It does not need the help of humans to continue its establishment on Earth. But in contrast, humans are dependent on nature to survive on Earth. The word "Deity" is used to depict the god-like characteristics of the birds that show their perfection. But this deeply contrasts the imperfection of men. The speaker believes that nature is perfect as it is. But humans are imperfect and therefore try to comply with nature. The tone of the speaker is gloomy when he reminiscences the joyful songs of birds. He says that by evening, there was no more flood. The word "flood" is used to show how the songs drowned the world but now it is gone. But ironically, there are no signs left behind by birds when they left. The word "band" is used to show the teamwork and in a way like a music band. He feels that nature works in unity in order to achieve great accomplishments.

The sixth stanza shows the sun is high up at the sky in the evening. The speaker feels that nature can be so powerful that it defies the beliefs of humans. He believes that nature is after all stronger than the human being. This miracle performed by nature can not be mimicked by humans. In addition, this demonstration shows that men have forgotten that this miracle can fill their hearts with the sense of wonder and joy.

The usage of metaphors and dictions help the speaker expresses his feeling toward society and nature. He uses metaphorical imagery to illustrate his awe for nature and his disapproval for society. His love for nature and the mockery of men are shown in his conclusion of the poem. He concludes the poem by claiming that nature is beyond the power that humans try to reach.