The Popularity Of The Net

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate May 2001

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The Popularity of the Net Internet "" one of the most important subjects everyone is talking about these days. From computer-nerds to the people with a high dosage of computer-phobia, everyone is connecting to the ever-growing Information Superhighway. No one is willing to risk staying behind in the Information Revolution.

What is the cause of the Internet's popularity? Millions are connected day and night to use the Internet's tremendous offerings. They might be connected to find a long-lost friend or just to e-mail a friend. To find the closest route from his (or her) home to the Metropolitan Museum, or to read the latest news about the President's affair. To play a quiet chess game with a partner in France, or to chat with a friend in Germany. To put it in other words, to take a big bite out of the Information Superhighway.

As stated in Internet for the Masses, by Theodoros P.

David (, thirty million people are connected to the Internet. Thirty million is not much compared to six billion (our approximate population), but when you think of the Internet as being a United States Defense Department network, called the ARPAnet, in the 1970s, you would be very surprised that we have come this far.

What is the Internet? The Internet can be best described as one large network connecting many smaller networks, The Internet Today ( There is no President or CEO governing the Internet, just a volunteer group, ISOC, handling responsibility for the technical management and direction of the Internet.

The immense number of things you could do on the Internet are both fun and educational. If you have to write a research paper or a project, all the possible information you need is on the Internet. All you have to do is find it. After writing that research paper or project, you might want to relax at a nice game of chess or checkers with a partner who might be as "close" as a mile away, or as far as Europe or Asia. Or, you might want to download an exciting action game to forget, for a moment, about all those troubles you had concocting the paper.

If you do communicate online, by playing chess or by participating in online conversations in the chat rooms, the effect of just sparking up a short conversation, might lead to a life-long friendship. You and your partner Communication and socialization through Internet is vital to its popularity. The simple usage of the e-mail attracts many people to communicate through the Internet. It is fast, reliable, and free at certain places. Should you want to send a love letter to your girlfriend or boyfriend, at two o'clock in the morning, do so, even if the second party's computer is not turned on at the time. Computer telecommunication is also causing the Internet to become more popular. Using your connection to the Internet, microphone and speakers hooked up to your computer, you can call someone in a far away country for free, and talk as much as it would please you. Such a service is currently offered by PULVER.COM (

The effect of this computer telecommunication is a drastic increase of The Internet is never the same; it is always changing. What might happen tomorrow we might only be able to guess. As time goes on, more and more people are connecting to the Internet, and the number of hours spent behind the computer rapidly rises. People might eventually decide to stay home and forget about the outside world, and live in the cyberspace.

Of course, why not? Everything a person needs is on the Internet. Everything, from ordering food, clothes, even furniture to buying airline or train tickets, could be done from a warm and comfortable chair at home, listening to the classical music of Bach or Beethoven. Not a lot of people, in the not-too-distant future, would want to leave their warm homes to go to a movie theatre if they would be able to view the same movie after connecting their television to the Net.

Decrease of socialization and face-to-face communication is the long-term affect of the Internet. The current affect, though, is the tremendous excitement of retrieving new information as you dig deeper and deeper into the Information Superhighway.