Post Grad Course Evaluations

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Subject Evaluation Subject: Name (optional): Very How did you rate the subject overall? Poor Average Good Good Excellent Please tick the appropriate box Please rate the following aspects of the subject using the rating scale. Please tick the appropriate box Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree 1. The subject met my expectations Comment: 2. Subject materials were appropriate and useful Comment: 3. Subject objectives were explained and achieved Comment: 4. Subject was well structured Comment: 5. Subject activities were used to reinforce learning Comment: 6. Subject was well planned and administered Comment: 7. Guest Presenters were knowledgeable and informative Comment: 8. Information resources and support were satisfactory Comment: 9. Technology resources were satisfactory Comment: 10. Access to the Technology Room was satisfactory Comment: 11. Do you feel any particular chapters need to be improved? 12. If you were running this course next year: a) What would you do differently? b) What would you add? c) What would you take out? 13.

Were there any Guest Presenters you found particularly impressive? 14. Which topics were most useful and why? 15. Which topics were least useful and why? 16. Did any particular workshop/session not live up to your expectations? DELIVERY 15. Do you consider the delivery mode of this Subject [lectures/online/intensive workshops] appropriate? Yes ƒá No ƒá Comment: 16. Do you visit the Masters website? Yes ƒá No ƒá 17. On the website, what do you find most useful and why? 18. What do you find least useful and why? 19. Do you access the archived ¡§online¡¨ presentations? Yes ƒá No ƒá Comment: 20. Do you use the FAQ site? Yes ƒá No ƒá Comment: 21. Are you aware of our Information Resources Services e.g., Bloomberg, Reuters BB, Dow Jones Interactive? Yes ƒá No ƒá 22. Would you recommend studying the Master of to anyone? Yes ƒá No ƒá Comment: Please offer any additional comments: