On The Prairie

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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Lets Go To Oregon By Greg Hanson Takes Place in 1845 " Ma, the horse is running away," said Brindy! "Catch her!" "We will need a rope," said Ma. They went to their barn and got a rope. "Get on a horse," said Ma. Their horses ran as fast as they could. "Yes, we caught her," said Brindy excited! "Yes, but we are far from the from the barn." "We are on the prairie," said Ma. On the way back they did a lot of talking. "Ma, when can we go see Pa in Oregon?" "Someday," said Ma. "No I want to go now," said Brindy! "Maybe we will tomorrow," said Ma. "Please Ma, please," said Brindy! "Alright. I'm telling you it's going to be a long trip," said Ma. "I know, I want to see Pa, John, and Joe." "Yes I know you do," said Ma.

"Lets start packing," said Brindy. "Alright," said Ma. They went to their room and started right away. "Remember to bring old clothes," said Ma. "Why," Said Brindy? "You're fancy clothes will get dirty," said Ma. "Ok," said Brindy. "What time will we leave tomorrow," asked Brindy? "Early," said Ma. "Do you have any moccasins Brindy," asked Ma? "Let me check," said Brindy. "Yes I do," said Brindy. "You need to bring them," Said Ma. "The trip will be dirty," said Ma. "Alright," Said Brindy. "Make sure to put you're Clothe in the wagon," said Ma. "Alright," Said Brindy. The next morning they got up bright and early. "Are you sure that you want to go," asked Ma? "Yes Ma, I really to go," said Brindy. "Alright lets go," said Ma. That afternoon they ate a little bit of food. The next day was fun. She got to see the most beautiful site she has ever seen! "Ma, our Wheel broke," screamed Brindy! "Wow speed and snow," yelled Ma! The horses stopped. They jumped off and took a look at the wheel. I guess we will have to go there with a broken wheel," said Ma. "But Ma we have to Oregon," said Brindy. "Yes I know. We will just have to be careful," said Ma. The next day they were really close to Oregon. "Ma how much longer will it take," asked Brindy? With the wheel broke about two more days," said Ma. Two more days! We don't have enough food," said Brindy. "I have $20," said Ma. You do," asked Brindy. "Yes I do," said Ma. That afternoon they were starving. They went to town and got some food. They were so tired that night they went to bed early. The next afternoon they woke up. They traveled about thirty miles. They could see Pa's house. Pa saw the wagon ran after them. He called the boys. "How did you get here," Pa asked? "By wagon and food," said Brindy. The boys got there and did a family hug. They had a great time together! Lets Go To Oregon By Greg Hanson Takes Place in 1845 " Ma, the horse is running away," said Brindy! "Catch her!" "We will need a rope," said Ma. They went to their barn and got a rope. "Get on a horse," said Ma. Their horses ran as fast as they could. "Yes, we caught her," said Brindy excited! "Yes, but we are far from the from the barn." "We are on the prairie," said Ma. On the way back they did a lot of talking. "Ma, when can we go see Pa in Oregon?" "Someday," said Ma. "No I want to go now," said Brindy! "Maybe we will tomorrow," said Ma. "Please Ma, please," said Brindy! "Alright. I'm telling you it's going to be a long trip," said Ma. "I know, I want to see Pa, John, and Joe." "Yes I know you do," said Ma. "Lets start packing," said Brindy. "Alright," said Ma. They went to their room and started right away. "Remember to bring old clothes," said Ma. "Why," Said Brindy? "You're fancy clothes will get dirty," said Ma. "Ok," said Brindy. "What time will we leave tomorrow," asked Brindy? "Early," said Ma. "Do you have any moccasins Brindy," asked Ma? "Let me check," said Brindy. "Yes I do," said Brindy. "You need to bring them," Said Ma. "The trip will be dirty," said Ma. "Alright," Said Brindy. "Make sure to put you're Clothe in the wagon," said Ma. "Alright," Said Brindy. The next morning they got up bright and early. "Are you sure that you want to go," asked Ma? "Yes Ma, I really to go," said Brindy. "Alright lets go," said Ma. That afternoon they ate a little bit of food. The next day was fun. She got to see the most beautiful site she has ever seen! "Ma, our Wheel broke," screamed Brindy! "Wow speed and snow," yelled Ma! The horses stopped. They jumped off and took a look at the wheel. I guess we will have to go there with a broken wheel," said Ma. "But Ma we have to Oregon," said Brindy. "Yes I know. We will just have to be careful," said Ma. The next day they were really close to Oregon. "Ma how much longer will it take," asked Brindy? With the wheel broke about two more days," said Ma. Two more days! We don't have enough food," said Brindy. "I have $20," said Ma. You do," asked Brindy. "Yes I do," said Ma. That afternoon they were starving. They went to town and got some food. They were so tired that night they went to bed early. The next afternoon they woke up. They traveled about thirty miles. They could see Pa's house. Pa saw the wagon ran after them. He called the boys. "How did you get here," Pa asked? "By wagon and food," said Brindy. The boys got there and did a family hug. They had a great time together!