Preception And Prejudice

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade November 2001

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Perception and Prejudice The movie "Thirteen Days"� was a film based on the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960's. The movie showed event by event the crisis from the point of view of the United States government. The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba and the United States was threatened by it. So, the United States President, John F. Kennedy, with his selected committee developed solutions to get the missiles out of the range of the United States without causing another world war. They decided quarantine Cuba. Nothing was allowed to come in without a proper inspection from the U.S.

The quarantine forced the Soviets to try to come up with an agreement with the United States. The Soviets sent a letter saying that they would remove the missiles if the United States ended the quarantine and if the United States would not attack Cuba. The United States agreed, but another letter was sent by the Soviets and said they redrew their first statement and have a new statement saying the U.S.

would have to remove missiles in Turkey; however, the United States ignored it and acted like they never received it. Then the crisis was over and so was the movie.

My reaction to this film was positive. This is the kind of movie I would watch because it was factual. I generally watch movies that make you think, not think for you. But I think I would have enjoyed this movie more if I did not know how the movie was going to end.

My perception of entertainment that was validated was that every now and then moviemakers would add something to keep the audiences attention. In the film "Thirteen Days"� there were action scenes. There were explosions, shooting, and fancy camera angles. One thing that was validated was the prejudice of the filmmakers to make the United States the good guy. Themes that can be related to perception of prejudice is that the perception of the move was from the "United States."� The "United States"� was the main focus, the "United States"� was right, and the "United States"� won the political battle. The movie only had one scene that had the views of the Soviets, and the way it was written the Soviet leader was made to look like a fool. The movie didn't really show the real reason why the missiles were brought in. The Cubans were afraid of an invasion from the Americans because of the Bay of Pigs incident. Castro then called Joseph Stalin for protection and Castro was granted the protection with missiles in range of the United States. So, the United States brought this crisis on themselves. If the United States never of attack the Cubans, this crisis wouldn't of happened.

Many people in the movie had different perception of how to solve the Cuban Missile crisis. The generals wanted to use force and the politician, along with the president, wanted to use a more diplomatic approach. This affected the relationship between them because they all ended up hating each other. In the movie they talked trash behind each other back. For example, the President thought the general was irrational and a bully for trying to talk him into attacking. The general thought the President was a "wussy."� Perception and prejudice influenced the decision making of the film because the filmmakers took accounts from Americans who were involved in the crisis. They made the film look like the Americans were good guys who made all of the right moves. The movie was from the point of view of the Americans and it made people assume that the Americans were correct in their actions. The Soviets, however, were made to look like they were bad guys who had no business bring in missiles to Cuba, when in fact they did.

One issue of perception or prejudice I have experience is that people would always assume that I am not athletic because I am this short, skinny Asian guy. Every time I play basketball with a group of people I am picked last but I am almost always the best player. I had the best looking shot and I was also the fastest but they couldn't look past my appearance.

Perception or prejudice influence my way of thinking because when I go into a gay bar or a gay nightclub, I feel like I am going to be hit on by a guy. My thinking is that gay people will hit on any guy but that's not true. They are just like regular people, they don't hit on every person they see.

Perception and prejudice exists a lot in high school. No matter what school you went to there is prejudice. I was prejudice against skaters because my friends didn't like them and they didn't like them because their brothers didn't like them. This illustrates how that prejudice is learned. Every time we saw a skater go by with his skateboard we would harass him until he wanted to fight and we would beat the crap out him because we would normally out number them.