Preidents And Prime Ministers Of WW2

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The Man of the Century Name: Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill Born: November 30, 1874 Died: 1965 Sir Winston Churchill was on of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen. Churchill was a world leader, statesman, solider, orator, writer and painter. Churchill was all these things and was great at them.

Sir Winston was twice Prime Minister first in 1940-1945 then in 1951-1955. He was 65 years old when he was first Prime Minister. Churchill led the British people through their darkest hours in World War 2. After many months of bombs being dropped on England he never thought about giving up. He in staled confidence in the English People by mass-producing planes, guns, and ammunition at a very fast pace. Defences were also increased and a home guard was established. He refused to make peace with Hitler.

Quotes: he said to the House of Commons," I have nothing to offer just my blood, toil, tears and sweet.

To left the spirits of the English people he said," We shall Defend Our island, whatever the cost maybe…we shall fight on the beaches…we shall fight on the landing grounds…we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

The Man of Steel Name: Joseph Stalin Born: 1879 Died: 1953 Stalin is one of the most notable men in Russian history. Stalin was one time leader of the communist party in the Soviet Union.

Joseph was the undisputed leader from 1929 till death. Stalin maintained leadership throughout World War 2. Before the war began Hitler and Stalin made a pact with each other not to go to war with each other. But Hitler did not hold this pact with Stalin and broke the agreement. Churchill and Roosevelt both told Stalin that Hitler would invade Russia but Stalin ignored them and 2 months later Germany where marching into Moscow. Because of Stalin purge towards the army they had no chance of pushing Germany back. So when Germany were marching into Moscow Stalin Stayed to give the people courage and in the winter of 1941-1942 the USSR pushed back the German army. He maintained personal control, over Soviet battle fronts, military reserves and war economy.

After Germany invaded, Stalin joined the fight to defeat hitler and had meetings with Churchill and Roosevelt. These meetings were called 'The Big Three'.

Stalin as the name suggests, was in very sense of the word, a man of STEEL.

Name: Franklin d. Roosevelt Born: 1882 Died: April 12, 1945 Franklin was the 32 President of the US and was also the first Pesident to be elected into 4 terms. Even to be stuck down by polio he came back to be on of the best Presidents to led his people through a war.

He entered at the depth of the Great Depression. He sought through neutrality legislation to keep the US out of the Europe war. Then the Japan hit Pearl Habour on December 7 1941 and the US entered the war. He Helped regain faith in the American people. His feeling that future peace of the world would depend upon the relationship between the US and Russia. So he devoted much of his time planning the United Nations (UN) which he hoped international difficulties could be settled in peace.

Quotes: When Pearl Habour was attack he said," this was the day that shall live in infamy".

He bought hope by promising prompt, vigorous action and asserted his inaugural address," the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

Name: Harry s Truman Born: 1884 Died: December 26, 1972 Because of Roosevelts death Truman became the President of the US, on April 12 1945. He entered office forced to do the task of helping end the war and adjusting the Nations post-war development with Great Britain and Russia in the 'Big Three' meetings. Truman authorised the attack on Hiroshima and Nagasakiya by launching two atomic bombs on them and soon after Japan surrender. In 1945 Truman witnessed the singing of the charter of the UN to preserve peace.

Qoutes: When Truman became President he had a host of wartime problems to solve and he told the reporters," I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me".

Bibliography Immortals of history by Robert N. Webb