Primary School Momento

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate January 2002

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MEMENTO "“ Personal/Reflective Essay The memento I chose to write about for my personal essay is a graduation teddy bear I received during the last days of grade six. It was just a white teddy bear about 30 by 20 cm, and was made out of plane smooth white cloth so we could write on it. My graduation bear is basically covered with autographs and small messages written by all my friends and teachers saying, "Good luck next year", "Best wishes for the future", "Ill miss you", etc.

It was during the last week of grade six. The grade 6's were happy and celebrating because it was their final year of primary school. It was just like the VCE students celebrating their last days of school, but just not as wild. We all got a chance to order in graduation bears and choose what colour we wanted their ears and ribbon to be.

I chose red and blue because it was the school colours and I wanted to remember that for my life. For one whole day of school, every one of the grade 6 students got to walk around all the classes and get anybody we wanted to sign our teddy bear. It was really fun because we didn't do anything but ask people to write messages or sign their name on the bears for the whole day. I tried to get as many people as possible to sign it, all my friends, my whole class, and all the teachers who taught me throughout my 7 years in primary school. We all went in small groups, around the whole school and got almost everybody we knew to write whatever they wanted on our bears. We also had a chance to sign all our other friend's bears and who ever else who wanted their bears signed. As the day went by, more and more messages and signatures filled my graduation bear.

The reason my graduation teddy bear is important to me is because it is a symbol of remembrance of my last year and all my years at Knox Gardens primary school I went to, Knox Gardens Primary School. This graduation bear sits on my top shelf in my room, and each time I look at the bear, covered in writing, it brings back memories of my school, friends, teachers, and everything about the school. This is important to me, in my growth as an individual, because it reminds me of the place I spent 7 years of my life. This is really important to me because I really enjoyed my primary school days, I enjoyed every single bit of it, hanging out with my friends, getting in trouble with my teachers, the stuff I got up to, and how much mucking around I did. During my last year of grade six, I made a lot of new friends, I got along really well with my teacher, and I shared many memorable and funny moments with my friends. Even up today, when I am with my primary school friends, we still laugh at all the funny things which happened during grade six. I find that school is a big part of life, and it is the route of my whole future, and what I want to become. School is where I will spend half of my life, and in result of this, it will have a great effect on it. Now that I am in high school, I compare it with my primary school days and I realise how much more fun primary school was. We never got any homework, we hardly ever did any school work, we got to wear runners, and basically we got to do whatever we wanted, we weren't fussed about anything. My graduation bear is one of the only things I have to remind me of my last year of primary school. It plays a big role in my life because no matter what happens during my lifetime, I will remember everything, which happened in primary school, every time I look or think about the graduation bear. The last year of anything you do for several years is very important to you as an individual because it is the most memorable year. It is the final year of what you have done for many years. This graduation bear which catches my eye each time I look at it, reminds me of how much fun I had, and how much I enjoyed my final year of primary school.