Problem How is the presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Problem How is the presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats identified in various foods? Background Information Organic Substances are mostly found in natural waters , for example: the aminoacids, carbohydrates, vitamins, humic acids, fulvic acid, lignins, pectins, enzymes and others.

Inorganic substances are often found in matter compositions like in minerals.

The difference between an organic substance and an inorganic substance is that organic substances are composed most likely of animal or plants product and inorganic are composed of matter, not arising from a process of natural or inevitable growth.

Carbohydrates are sources of energy for vital metabolic processes ,composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, starch and sugar are the most common. The excess of carbohydrates is stored in the body as fats, chocolate is rich in carbohydrates. Starch was identified on the potato by using iodine, this caused the potato to get blue-black. Sugar was detected in the honey by using Benedict's solution that caused it to get a dark-blue color, this means honey has sugar.

Proteins are required for the growth and development of the body, it provides materials to build and repair body parts. Protein is a combination of many chemicals called amino acids, fish is a food rich in proteins. Biuret solution was used as an indicator of protein in a egg-white mixture, it turned a purple color. Fats are a group of substances formed by the joining of fatty acids with glycerin. They serve as a source of energy to the body and contribute to the formation of body fat, for example the whole milk, butter, cheese and eggs contain fat. A brown paper bag was used to indicate that vegetable oil contained fat, it was let for five minutes and then a translucent spot appeared.

Hypothesis The presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats were identified by making several tests using special solutions.

Materials 3 medicine droppers iodine solution slice of raw potato hot-water bath graduated cylinder honey solution 2 test tubes Benedict's Solution .


Sugar: The term sugar includes both monosaccharides (6 carbon or simple sugars) and disaccharides (12 carbon sugars). Examples are glucose and sucrose (table sugar) respectively. Large complexes of glucose are starch or cellulose.

Starch: Starch is a carbohydrate, stored as granules in seeds, roots, tubers or stems of plants. It is a product of photosynthesis and the primary digestible carbohydrate found in many foods.