
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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"¢"¢"¢ ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@63.68.*.* [08:17] "¢"¢"¢ dinoX|atwork was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (|Pulse|)) [08:17] «@|Pulse|» lol [08:17] «Parkey|Homewerk» lol [08:17] "¢"¢"¢ Joins: OneManArmy` (onemanarmy@ [08:17] "¢"¢"¢ ChanServ sets mode: +o OneManArmy` [08:17] «@ChanServ» [OneManArmy`] There are currently 7778 people in line. Estimated wait before download starts: 370 minutes [08:17] «Lokus|studying» #tbos [08:18] «@|Pulse|» whats he saying ? :P [08:18] «Lokus|studying» whoopsies [08:18] «Lokus|studying» dunno [08:18] *** Lokus|studying is now known as Loksu|away [08:18] «@OneManArmy`» QUICK SOMEONE WAREZ ME MCAFEE VIRUS SCANNER [08:18] «@|Pulse|» no [08:18] «@|Pulse|» mcafee sux [08:18] «Loksu|away» here's an idea: get it yourself [08:20] «@|Pulse|» psycho groupie cocaine crazy [08:20] «@OneManArmy`» "¢"¢"¢ [onemanarmy] is on @#clanef [08:20] «@OneManArmy`» spam this faggoty [08:20] «@OneManArmy`» he stole my name [08:20] "¢"¢"¢ Quits: element (zanshin_11@dsl-206-102-15-193.easystreet.com) (Ping timeout for element[dsl-206-102-15-193.easystreet.com]) [08:20] "¢"¢"¢ Quits: pip|c2 (pip@adsl-64-123-236-35.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) (Ping timeout for pip|c2[adsl-64-123-236-35.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net])Parkey|Homewerk stares blankly...

[08:12] «@|Pulse|» then wash it off in teh shower [08:12] «@realpacman|masturbashowering» so sence in clogging the shower drain with mah cum [08:13] «@|Pulse|» lolo [08:13] «@|Pulse|» dino sits lonely in #tbos "¢"¢"¢ ········································································ "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is ~java@

"¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is dinox@hostylegrounds.com http://www.gamesnet.net/J "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is on @#tbos "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is on CA.GamesNET.net "¢"¢"¢ ········································································ "¢"¢"¢ ········································································ "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is ~java@ "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is dinox@hostylegrounds.com http://www.gamesnet.net/J "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is on @#tbos "¢"¢"¢ [[tBoS]dinoX] is on CA.GamesNET.net "¢"¢"¢ ········································································ [08:14] «@|Pulse|» "sniff i have no friend and pulse h8's me i go suicide" [08:14] «Lokus|studying» lol [08:14] «@Trapster» !blist [08:14] "¢"¢"¢ Quits: OneManArmy (on