Raking Through The Muck Of Government Lies

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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Corruption and deception are both traits that have become widespread in the United States Government of present time. Things ranging from lies used to misdirect the general populous, to large amounts of money being used for undisclosed reasons, are just some of the common-found problems. In my research I found many things that strike me as unimaginable, or outright unbelievable. Although the United States seems to have an over-lying façade that depicts it as a fair, equality-ridden country, that is obsessed with being "politically correct" so as not to offend anyone, I assure you, there is a much more diabolical machine that lives within the substructure of the place we call home.

Although a seemingly inadvertent lie does not seem like much, I feel that this particular one should be brought to attention.

In Franklin D. Roosevelt's national address to Congress, on December 8, 1941, concerning the attack on Pearl Harbor, by the Empire of Japan, Roosevelt states that the United States was at peace with Japan and that the attack was "unprovoked".

""¦I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, Dec. 7, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire"¦" "" Franklin D. Roosevelt By stating that the attack was unprovoked, Roosevelt was implying that the United States gave Japan no reason for the attacking of Pearl Harbor. This in and of itself is wrong. Roosevelt knew of the circumstances surrounding the situation with Japan. He knew that there were currently negotiations being held with Japan. He knew that the United States had placed an oil embargo on Japan. Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo proposed a conciliatory rebuttal, known as the "Five Points Plan," offering some concessions and seeking to continue discussions. It asked that the embargo be lifted for three months while further negotiations were held.

Japan knew from decoded cables that the United States had been seriously considering some of the offers, but on November 26, 1941, Japan picked up the message that essentially ordered Japan to remove It's forces from China and Indochina or "prepare to face the consequences". This apparently caused Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo to believe that the United States had decided on war.

The United States was certainly not "at peace" with Japan.

Franklin D. Roosevelt knew he was lying when he gave his speech. He also knew, however, that an "unprovoked" attack would arouse more action from Congress, and the American people, than a retaliatory attack.

From the beginning, the attack on Pearl Harbor was thought, by some, to be some type of conspiracy on the part of the United States. It seemed all too strange that the entire fleet of Japanese ships was "lost". At that time, though, it was said that the fleet was moving in strict radio silence, so as not to give away their position. In recently declassified naval documents, some of which have been altered so as not to release vital, if not convicting information to the public, we have found some startling facts. The United States did not lose the Japanese fleet. In fact, the Japanese did not even travel under radio silence. The United States intercepted more than ninety percent of the communications that took place between the Japanese fleet and High Command in both Japan and the Central Pacific. Not only did the United States intercept these messages, but they could also decode them, because they had broken the Japanese decryptions over a year before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

So why was the attack a "surprise"? It was not. The truth of the matter is that Franklin D. Roosevelt and many heads of office wanted war. They wanted to start fighting, and they knew Congress would not declare war with out substantial cause.

Documents found have shown different means for provoking Japan into attack the United States. One such document is a memorandum written by Lt. Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence. In his memo, he outlines a strategic policy designed to goad the Japanese into committing "an overt act of war" against the United States. McCollum writes that such a strategy is necessary because "it is not believed that in the present state of political opinion the United States government is capable of declaring war against Japan without more ado." So the attack on Pearl Harbor was not only provoked, but it was practically planned by the United States as a means of entering World War II.

The Government has done many inexplicable, enigmatic things, in the past, and shall continue to do so, so long as we remain quiet. If we allow these things to happen, then they shall continue to happen.

Although the following seems to go off, somewhat, on a tangent, I believe it needed to be said.

We are only as free as we believe we are. If we deny this fact, then we do not see the signs that are staring at us, but instead keep our minds turned off and busy with all the mundane affairs of daily life.

We do not care enough to find out the real truth, instead we settle for the hand-fed stories that come our way over the major media sources; television, radio, newspaper, and magazines. But it is too late to turn back to the days of psychological blindfolds and metaphorically "sticking our heads in the sand", because reality is becoming very clear. The time is fast approaching when we will be the ones asking, "What happened to our freedom? To our free speech? To our right to protect our family and ourselves? To think as an individual? To our right to express ourselves and our ideas?" Once we challenge that freedom, we find out how free we really are. How many are willing to take up that challenge? Very few indeed, otherwise we would not find ourselves in the situation that we are in at the present time. We would not have let things progress and get out of the hands of the public and into the hands of those that seek to keep us under there control, no matter what it takes, and that includes the use of force and detainment for those who ask the wrong questions. Will asking questions be outlawed? Why do we all refuse to believe these possibilities? Did not we here about the prison camps in Germany during World War II? Or even the prison camps in the United States. Japanese individuals were rounded up and placed in determent camps for the duration of the war. Where was their freedom? And to think that the hate that was created between Americans and Japanese in the bombing of Pearl Harbor could quite possibly have been avoided all together.

So no one believes it could happen to them? I'm sure those rounded up and killed did not think it would happen to them either. How could any person, any humane being witness such atrocities and still say nothing? Are we going to do the same here as they cart off, one-by-one, those individuals who are taking a stand for the rights of the citizens, as they expose the truth happening behind the walls of lies, scandals and corruption. Are we all going to sit here and wonder what happened to our country, our "Land of the Free"?