How To Read Guitarrabs

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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"How To Read Guitar Tabs" By Matthew A. Altier Guitar tabs are very easy to read and play. The first thing is you need to know how to play a guitar, basic chords, and the ability to sit through tons of screw ups. Tabs are numbers on a series of six lines. The numbers usually range from 0 to 22 and can be very basic. There will be a song done up on tabs at the end of the paper so you have a visual to see what I'm talking about.

There are many signs to tabs and there all easy to read and play.

Some of the signs are ^ and that means to bend the string a half; F means to bend a full step; p means you pull off the string; and H means you put your hammer on. The / means you slide down to the next note and the \ means you slide up the strings.

These are just some basic symbols of the guitar tabs.

The tabs are set up usually in rift patterns that allow you to play the whole song in order. The pattern usually goes verse, chorus, and verse again. Very easy to understand and play. Really all you need to know to read and play tabs are the basic chords, power chords, and bar chords.

The great thing about tabs is that you don't need lessons and you don't have to pay a ton of money for them. All you have to do is go on the internet and search for guitar tabs. It's that easy to play and it's a blast to do.