The Rebirth Of Biff Loman-Death Of A Salesman

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade August 2001

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In Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman, Biff Loman was the son of Willy and Linda. Throughout the play Biff tried to live his father's dream of success. Biff was an immature boy who depended on Willy, but by the end of the play, he was beginning to mature by facing facts honestly.

Biff Loman was a star football player in high school. He was very admired by his peers. His academic neighbor Bernard, who Willy referred to as anemic, especially admired Biff. Bernard insinuated that Biff should study for an important exam. However, Biff and Willy ignored the fact that he needed to pass the exam to graduate. Willy overlooked all of his son's flaws, like stealing and neglecting school work. Willy filled Biff's head with false ideas of success. Willy told Biff that being well liked and physically attractive could get you anywhere in life. Biff, who idolized his father believed everything Willy said.

Biff relied on Willy for guidance and support. Therefore, he traveled to New England to visit his father, who was away on business. He went there because he wanted Willy to talk to his math teacher so he could graduate. Biff couldn't graduate because he failed the test that Bernard suggested he should study for. After waiting at his hotel door, Biff found his father with another woman. Hurt and crestfallen, Biff realized his father was nothing but a fake. Biff then gave up on his and Willy's dreams. This critical event started Biff's failures as he matured.

As Biff grew older, he continued to job hop around the country. He traveled to the West, where he ended up in jail because of stealing. Biff returned home and found Willy had been mentally unstable and suicidal. Biff told Willy that he would go and see Bill Oliver, so that he could start an enterprise. Willy overly jovial, started suggesting ideas and tips for Biff. When Biff arrived in Bill Oliver's office, he stole his fountain pen and ran. At that moment, Biff realized that he was trying to be someone he wasn't, in order to please his father. Biff realized who he was and what he wanted to do with his life. After stealing the pen, Biff finally found himself.

In conclusion, Biff learned that he had to start doing things for himself, and not to please Willy. This allowed Biff to be honest with himself. Biff broke out of Willy's world of dreams, and started life as a new man.