Return On WTC Cars Hits EPA Roadblock

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Return on WTC Cars Hits EPA Roadblock Summary: The article that I read is called, return of World Trade Center Cars Hits EPA Roadblock. The author of this article is a Daily News staff writer. This research is being done in Manhattan, New York, where the World Trade Center was once standing tall. This article explains that the cars that were found under the rubble, from the World Trade Center crashing down, may be given back to their owners, but many of them are carrying asbestos, which is tainted dust. Environmental Protection Agency had to meet to figure out what to do with the cars. Revealed tests show that three percent of the dust is asbestos, more than three times of level that triggers federal clean up rules. Many of the cars have little body damage. A New Jersey company, that examined seven of the cars, estimated that it would cost $3,600.00

to professionally clean each one. Health commissioner, Neal Cohen, said the cars were so badly contaminated that they could probably not be returned.

Reaction: Yes, I am interested in this area of science, because it has to do with Environmental Science, and that has to do with our whole environment. I like to know what goes on in our environment, and how people take care of things when they happen.

Yes, there is need for more research in this area. The Environmental Protection Agency still needs to find out when the people that own the cars are going to get them back and how. No, the author has not left me with any unanswered questions.

Vocabulary: Tainted (taint): to make or become spoiled, decayed or infected. To spoil by contact with bad ideas or practices.

Scheming (scheme): a plan or plot, especially if secret and sly or impractical. To plan or plot secretly and slyly. An arrangement of something according to a plan or design.

Coalition: a temporary alliance of leaders, parties, or nations.

Irate: angry.