Revenge Essay

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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It feels like it was just yesterday that I got revenge on my friend. He deserved what I did to him. How he just took my bike without my permission and ruined my bike. Then he acts like everything is okay and nothing had happened. It really felt great to get him back. The way that he walked away in anger and the expression on his face. He looked like he was going to cry. I didn't care though. He never did repay me for my bike. Yeah ok so im stupid. It feels like it was just yesterday that I got revenge on my friend. He deserved what I did to him. How he just took my bike without my permission and ruined my bike. Then he acts like everything is okay and nothing had happened. It really felt great to get him back. The way that he walked away in anger and the expression on his face.

He looked like he was going to cry. I didn't care though. He never did repay me for my bike.

It was a warm sunny summer day, around the time of my birthday. My dad had told me to get in the truck with him. He said that he would get me any birthday present I wanted. Soon after we drove off, we passed the bike store. I saw in the window this shiny brand new bike that seemed to catch my attention. I told my dad to go back to the bike shop. When we got there I took a closer look at it. It was a really nice bike. It was dark blue and chrome. The way it glistened in the sun almost made me drool. I glanced at my dad and asked him politely if he could get that bike for me. He turned to me and quickly said, "Yes." At that point I was so happy I almost was running around the store in excitement.

When we got home, I quickly took the bike out of the truck and admired it. It wasn't very long before I started to ride it around my neighborhood. It felt great riding that bike. I started riding my bike everyday - to school, to the store, and to friend's houses. Everywhere I went my bike had to come too. Little that I knew that would change soon.

It was Saturday of the next week when my friend came over. He saw my new bike in the corner of the garage. He asked me if he could ride it around in front of my house. I said yes as he took the bike out and started riding it around. He was laughing and riding in circles, having a grand time as I stood there and watched him. Soon my mom called me in for dinner. I told my friend, "Put the bike back in the garage when your done." He nodded. When I got back from eating dinner, he was gone - and the bike was too. I looked around the house. Not there. I called my friend up and asked him if he had taken the bike. He just said, "No." Three days later I went to his house. We were watching the television. Soon after he asked me if I wanted to go to the mall with him. I slowly replied "Sure." As we went into the garage, I saw my bike in the corner, behind a pile of boxes. It was a wreck. The paint was chipped and scratched. The frame was bent and the wheels were flat. As I picked up the remains of the bike, he darted over and pushed the bike out of my hands, and tried to cover it up. I pushed him out of the way and picked up the parts of my bike and then I left without saying anything. I was really upset. I couldn't think of anything to say.

After a couple days, and after my anger wore out a little, I went to his house. I saw his bike leaning against his garage door. I took it and I rode home with it. When I got home, I called some of my friends and asked them if they wanted to buy a bike off me. After a couple of calls, I found someone who wanted to buy the bike. Later that day I went to their house and sold the bike.

The next day I went over to my friend's house. I left a note on his doorstep that said, "Are you looking for your bike? I took it and I sold it. From, your caring friend." I placed it on his doorstep, rang the doorbell, and walked away. As I was walking away, I saw him come out and read the note. He looked like he was going to cry. Then he just stormed in the house. After that I went home and slept. We haven't talked since then.