Riddle of life Who am I? I cannot ask anybody

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Riddle of life Who am I? I cannot ask anybody else for the answer but myself. Everything in our life is explained and given reason for by people but when it comes to this question no one can give a so called reasonable answer. One way of others describing me would be by my name, my status, which family I belong to, what race I belong to or simply as a human being. Surprisingly all these answers would not give a satisfactory answer as they are all labels that I collected from my birth. Where was I before I was born? Where will I go after I die? These questions remain unanswered largely. Some one might even suggest that asking such a question would be foolish, but ultimately if there is a question there need to be an answer. If a question can not be answered by a human being or if they find it too difficult to answer, why do they automatically suggest that it is a forbidden question? I wonder.

Is my existence only limited to the human life span? Am I going to just disappear after my death? One way of looking at this is that, it does look as if a person disappears after their death to an outsider. From the dead person's point of view, the fate that he embraces after death is unknown as no one in the history of man kind have ever came back from death to solve this puzzle.

Do we have to wait till we die to find out the truth? If we do have to wait how would we know that we will find out the truth in the first place? Some one might suggest that it would not be of any concern for a person to discover his true existence after death as it simply wouldn't make any difference. What if some one discovers their true existence before their physical death? What would be the consequences of living with the awareness of a person's true existence? Humans are not aware of death until they reach a certain age that every body needs to agree due to the fact that every one finds out about the death aspect of humans when they reach a certain age through adults they associate with. What if a person lives with out knowing that humans are subject to death? They would simply engage in risky practises, would not have any future plans, and would not race against time. Race against time would not be necessary as the time would not simply exist to a person who is not aware of death.

Nature of humans Fear death Fear of getting hurt or being subject to pain Humans respond to pain, as they are protective of themselves. Humans are protective of them selves for the duration of life where they have control over avoiding pain. In other circumstances like natural occurring, humans are physically or mentally hurt but this also they try to avoid. In cases where pain could not be avoided they generate a distress emotion.

To conclude, Humans are aware of the potential of them selves being hurt, due to that they spend a great deal of time taking actions to avoid situations that bring pain. Also they are aware that for the pain to exist they have to be alive and death as the biggest pain of all as it is the only certain unavoidable cause.

Surprising fact is that pain can be also manipulated into controlled pleasures. As for a person who engage in martial arts, the pain is controlled in their mind to allow them engage in such practices.

This concludes the fact that pain exist in the mind and is subject to manipulation. Human mind has been a mysterious property for their owners for a very long time. Mind is simply an object that cannot be fully explained as it takes a mind to explain things. In this case mind becomes the question as well as the place where the question is generated. This relates back to the question that was raised earlier on during this discussion "Who am I?" From what's observable with normal conditions, mind can also be related to the identity I. In other words it's the person's mind that gives them their character. Unfortunately this does not answer the actual question "who am I?" because the mind is only a function of human nature but not of the universe. In the simplest form it can be said that, mind let humans witness the world but if the mind is observing who is the observer? In general most of the humans are identified them selves as for their mind, where the other hidden aspect of their own nature is left un-observed largely.

Would it be correct in that sense to state that, a human who is identified them selves as the mind simply does not even exist? Is being identified with the mind is same as living in an oblivion? This makes the whole situation looks as if humans are not only one but two, where one part is left un-recognised.

Could it be this very fact that Jesus was implying when he referred him as the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit? As Father being the un-recognised part, Son being the mind, and the Holy Spirit being the link between them? It certainly makes sense to relate these two situations because it is largely mentioned in vary history texts of the trinity in humans. In relation to science we could relate the human as a battery where Father is one node son being the other, Holy Spirit as reference to the potential difference across the nodes.

If we take this example further, we can also relate Holy Spirit as the energy in the human. This makes perfect sense as it is widely considered that the spirit of the human is send to heaven in the event of death.

In psychology the trinity in human is known as the Ego, Super Ego and the ID.

In more detailed Ego is the mind of the human where all his likes and dislikes are located. The ID simply contains the basic human needs where it is not aware of any consequences. Super Ego keeps the balance between the other two with it's qualities of morals, principles and regulations.

For an example, a persons ID would make him desire for Food with feeling of hunger, The Super-Ego make the person aware of the rules of obtaining the food and ego finds the food with the desire of the ID and the regulations of Super-Ego.

In this example it is visible that these three functions are in fact the trinity of the mind instead of being the human him self. In a hierarchy this three branches would only belong to the mind it self.

If we were to observe the whole universe as a whole in its operation, it is noticeable of its unique characteristic of duality. For example, Light and Darkness, Left and Right, Up and Down, Man and Women, almost anything in its existence have their opposite.

In terms of the trinity, another property exists between these properties which link the two together, having its own unique characteristics. However the link is some what more mysterious to the observer than the dual as the link is almost of another dimension to the duals.

Ruwan Taleyratne