Rob's Change in "Seek"

Essay by chaz74High School, 11th gradeA, September 2007

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A boy's transitions into manhood can be a difficult thing for him. Luckily, there are always people that are willing to help you along the way. In the book Seek, by Paul Fleischman, the main character, Rob, undergoes a drastic change, with a little help from several friends and family members. The three most important people in this change are Zad, Lenny, and his Mother.

Zad is one important person that helped Rob change from a boy into a man. He is one of Rob's best friends and helps him out a lot. Zad is also Rob's partner in the newspaper and radio show, so he always gives him support and help. Also, he lightens the mood a little, so when Rob is thinking of his father, it cheers him up. Finally, Zad shares interests with Rob, so he has an outlet when he is upset.

The second most important person in Rob's transition to manhood is Lenny, his father.

Even though he is never there for Zad, he helps greatly by teaching him some key lessons indirectly. In searching for his father, Rob finds himself more, and realizes who he is. Rob finds out what things are important in life and what's not, all while trying to find his father on AM radio. Rob also learns that the world is not always fair, and that even if you are dedicated and try hard for something, you will not always get it. All these things will eventually make him a better man.

The most important person in helping Rob to become a man is his mother. She helps him in many ways. First, she supports him at a young age when he is really into radio. Second, she raises him as a single parent, which is very difficult to do. Thirdly, she helps him in his writing when he becomes interested in that. Also, she teaches him about his father instead of forgetting the fact that she was ever married to him. This allows him to look for him himself, and learn lessons on his own.

In conclusion, Rob undergoes a drastic change in the novel Seek. The three most important people that are involved in this change are Zad, Lenny, and his mother. The help him a lot, and without them, his life would be completely different.