Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Shared experiences are very significant. Chatty midnight phone calls with life-long friends, family vacations and crowded theme parks evoke memories upon which we most like to reflect. In our old age, God allows us to retain long-term memories after we can no longer recall the simple details of everyday life.

Couples create their own collections of special moments and lasting remembrances. In our dotage, our pains are magically soothed as we wander back to the days of special times. After fifteen years of marriage, my husband and I decided to create our own special memories by taking a third honeymoon. We wanted to get far away from home and the everyday stresses of life.

We called our travel agent and asked her to book an exotic trip for us as soon as possible. We expressed how we often dreamt of experiencing a romantic adventure in the tropics. She gave us several appealing choices.

We selected the Panamanian Islands where we experienced a lifetime of unforgettable memories.

It was truly a dream realized.

We rented a villa by the sea where we relaxed and surrendered to the beauty and ambiance of our luxurious paradise. We arrived at our villa around 8:00 pm. The evenings were so beautiful. The nightlife glittered with excitement. The crystal clear waters on fine white sandy beaches and the calming sounds of waves breaking against the shore soothed our senses.

When we first arrived at our villa we found our bed covered with scattered rose petals. A chilled bottle of champagne, and beautifully arranged fresh strawberries welcomed us. Aromatic candles were emitting the most exotic aromas we had ever experienced. On our first night in the tropics we toasted one another and danced under the stars to the most brilliantly soothing music imaginable. Later we basked in the warmth of one another's arms as we lay on our handsomely decorated balcony and gazed into the heavens above. We experienced a peace that surpassed all understanding.

Our own personal maid, who happily catered to our every need, served us faithfully. I have fond memories of her placing our breakfast outside of our bedroom door each morning. We enjoyed delicious breakfasts that consisted of pre-selected beverages of choice, tropical fruits such as guava, papaya, pineapple and coconut, and a wonderful assortment of delicious breads.

We had our own private pool where we swam in warm soothing aqua water. After our swim, we could always rely on our trusted and loyal maid to have big fluffy towels piled poolside and refreshing beverages chilling beside nearby chaise lounges.

We found a restaurant to call our own, and we frequented it often.

This restaurant, overlooking the beach, had a roof and no walls. It reflected rich combinations of colors and patterns with a dramatic ensemble featuring the magic of the tropical moon.

Occasionally, we had picnics on secluded beaches where we spent long intimate hours, relaxing and enjoying the breathtaking aura of peaceful splendor. These moments were, without a doubt, a touch of heaven.

Our very special villa also featured private playgrounds for romance and fun. A memory that I will cherish forever is the champagne bath. This was the most unique and extraordinary bath either of us ever experienced. Directly adjacent our beautifully designed dressing room sat a lovely long stemmed seven-foot tall goblet complete with a spiral outer attachment that formed a staircase. The staircase led us to the top of the goblet. A warm pool of bubbling spring water awaited us. We took many whirlpool baths in that seven foot tall champagne glass for two.

After four weeks of life on that luxurious enchanting island in the tropics, our romantic adventure came to an end. It was the end of perfection at its best. We absolutely dreaded leaving the tropics and returning to the realities of life.

On our last day, we took a long last stroll and listened to the tropics melt in a sphere of mystical sounds, luscious colors, and delicate scents.

Fragrant tropical flowers seemed to ascend into the heavens. "What a beautiful symphony!" Time passed quickly in paradise but we will embrace forever the memories of our romance in the tropics.