Romeo And Juliet

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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Romeo and Juliet Essay The main cause of the tragedy of the young lovers would be the decision to hide the marriage from Romeo and Juliet's parents. If their parents would have known about the marriage between the two young lovers, the tragedy would have been avoided. Juliet would not have been forced to marry Paris and she would not have taken the sleeping potion. Romeo would not have viewed her "dead" body and he would not have killed himself. Although there would have been serious consequences to them both it would not have compared to death. If Romeo and Juliet's marriage was not kept a secret not only would there deaths be averted but some good could have come of it as well.

Some good that may have come from their marriage could have been peace brought to the feuding families. The two families would have been brought together for the wedding as well as other special occasions.

The families would have had to start spending time together because they were now brought together through Romeo and Juliet. At their gatherings the two families might start talking more and then finally realize that they have more in common than they originally thought. They then might find out that what they have been fighting about for so long really wasn't as serious as they first thought. Once Romeo and Juliet have a child the family gatherings would increase with the child's birthdays. One of the only reasons Friar Laurence Married the two lovers was because of this reason, to close the gap between the fighting families (2,3,57-58).

As a result in the marriage not being a secret, Juliet would not be forced to marry Paris.

She would not be forced to marry him because she would already be married to Romeo and she can't be married to two different men. Juliet's family would soon see that she did not love Paris and that she loved Romeo. Since divorce was not an option back then, there would be no way that the families would be able to break the couple up. Eventually the families would except Romeo and Juliet's decision to marry and then after some time maybe be happy for the young couple, and realize that forcing Juliet to marry Paris, the man she didn't love, would be wrong.

If the marriage was not a secret, Juliet would not feel forced to marry a person she did not love. She would not have taken the sleeping potion to trick her family in thinking she was dead because she wouldn't feeling the pressure to marry Paris. She would feel that she had more options than to make herself appear dead. If Juliet did not take the sleeping potion, then Romeo would not hear that she was dead. He would not feel that he had to kill himself just because Juliet was dead, so he would not have gone out and got poison to kill himself. Then when Juliet would not have waken up from her long sleep, then she would not have seen Romeo dead and she would not feel the need to really kill herself because she could not live without him.

If the marriage was not kept a secret then the major tragedy would have been prevented.

If the families knew about the marriage then it would have brought them closer together because they would eventually start talking to each other and over time could become friends. Also if Juliet's family knew she would not have been forced to marry Paris because she would already be married to Romeo. If everybody knew about herself and Romeo then she would not feel the pressure from her family to marry a person she did not love so she would not have faked her own death. Then Romeo would not have heard wrong information about the death of his wife, he would not have felt that he could not live without Juliet and he would not have taken the poison to kill himself. Then Juliet would not have waken up from her sleep to see her dead husband and she would not have killed herself because she could not live without him. So if the marriage was not kept a secret then this tragic chain of events could have all been avoided.