Romeo And Juliet

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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This paper will deal with the comparatives and contrasts of Romeo and Juliet, the play and the movie. There are many differences between the play and the movie of Romeo and Juliet.

Though Romeo and Juliet the movie is good, it is still missing many good parts. One part is the scene with Apothecary when Romeo is supposed to buy the poison. This is held from the movie, and this does not let the audience know that Romeo wants to die fast and painless. This also makes one think that Romeo carries fast acting poison in his pocket with him at all time. Another part is the scene when Paris is supposed to be killed by Romeo. In the play one gets the idea Paris really cared about Juliet, but in the movie one does not see the part when he gives his life to try to stop Romeo from going in to the sepulcher.

One will also get from this scene that Romeo does not want to get anymore sins to him before he dies. The two scenes show that there is a difference between the movie and the play of Romeo and Juliet.

The movie shows some of the important scenes with very good accuracy to the play. The fight between Mercutio, and Tybalt then Romeo and Tybalt is very well depicted in the movie. One could think that if the people who made the movie referred to the play quite well in this scene. One also gets a good sense of the feud going on between the families. The movie depicts Romeo's exile with pretty good accuracy. One could believe that after Romeo finds this out he would run as fast and far away from this place as he could. One could also think that the prince is giving him leeway because he killed his cousin's murderer. The movie does a good job showing the important parts with good accuracy.

The part of the movie when Romeo is supposed to get the letter is quite different between the movie and the play of Romeo and Juliet. The movie depicts Friar John being passed, on his way to take the letter to Romeo, by Balthasar. On could assume that Friar John was really slow or lazy on his duties. The movie could also make one believe that Friar John took a very long time to get the mail there, but Balthasar took a few hours. The play says that Friar John was held in quarantine because the other friar with him had been helping some sick people with the plague. The play lets the audience know that the friars are people dedicated to their work/church. The play also lets reader know that Friar John was trying hard to get the letter to Romeo. In conclusion the play and the movie have quite a bit of differences on why things happen These are the main points of Romeo and Juliet the play and movie. There are many differences between the play and the movie of Romeo and Juliet.