The La Ronge Ice Wolves

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate May 2001

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The La ronge Midget Ice Wolves The midget team is currently 4th in the North East Hockey League. They played some strong opponents this year and had some close games. They were very pumped up going into the first round of the playoffs. The last they played in the regular season was Red Earth. With an easy win with a score of 8-3. The team played really well. The weekend before was even better when the team beat the Naicam Vikings with a score of 4-3 in both games.

The midgets played Porcupine Plain in the first round of the playoffs. The team couldn't finish the first game because of a hurt player on the other team. On Sunday the team finished the first game with a 4-1 win and then they played the second game right after the first one. Porcupine scored 3 goals right off the start.

But the midgets came right back with a 6-4 win. Now they move on to the second round of the playoffs against the Zenon Park Flyers.

All the players gave it a 110 percent out there. The team currently has 13 wins 9 losses and 1 tie. The year had some ups and downs with ill players, injuries, and some bad calls from refs. But the team pulled through and so far had a great season.

By: Jason Mckenzie