It’s My Life Leave Me Alone

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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When they returned home Karyn decided to take a trip to the corner drug store where She purchased 1 pregnancy test and 1 box of condoms, not yet knowing it was too late. She scurried home and into the restroom where it would sit for 5 minutes.

She walked towards the door and exited to find Ronny who was in a rush to relieve himself. She attempted to stop him by obscuring his route of travel, but she failed. He pushed through her and into the restroom. He was just about done when he looked over at the counter and spotted the pregnancy test. He shot back against the wall in terror and let out a rather girlish shriek. Karyn, responding to His screaming, rushed to the restroom and straight for the pregnancy test. She grabbed the test She looked at it with great joy. Ronny, who was nearly hyperventilating.

questioned the integrity of the test.

Karyn quickly grabbed the tattered box that the test came in and handed it to Him.

He looked it over and came to the conclusion that, since the test was guaranteed to be accurate if the direction were followed, Karyn had simply made a mistake. She shook her head at him and laughed, for She knew that He knew She followed those instructions Ronny was unsure of how this could happen, for that one time. Karyn informed Him of the fact that it only takes one time. Well Ronny was not so easily convinced, He bolted for the telephone and dialed the numerical number for Kaiser Permanente, the hospital at which his medical insurance was accepted.

He talked to a secretary by the name of Melinda. She gave him an appointment for 12 noon the following day. He graciously thanked her and hung up the phone. He turned 180 degrees and approached Karyn.

He stared for a brief moment and then informed her of their appointment. They then agreed to speek nothing of the pregnancy 'til it was confirmed by a medical doctor.

It was getting rather late and Ronny decided to retire to the comforts of his dreams.

Karyn remained awake for an hour or so then also decided to go to bed.

The morning came too soon for Ronny, but Karyn was up and ready to go. Ronny drug himself out of bed and into the restroom. He headed for the shower first and with a flick of the wrist turned the water on. He then turned back and went for the sink and again with a flick of the wrist turned on the water. He bent down and opened the cabinet beneath the sink to retrieve his trusty razor. As he was standing up he remembered the shaving cream and again had to arch his aching back to get it.

setting the razor on the counter he squirts a hefty amount of shaving cream into his left hand. After setting down the can he rubs the shaving cream between his hands to build up a rich lather which he applies to his face. He quickly rinses the excess cream off his hands and grabs the razor. He drags the blades across his face until he is satisfied with himself. He dips his hands into the water and splashs his face, rinsing all the remaining residue from his shaving cream.

Staring at himself in the mirror he contemplates suicide. He picks up the razor and snaps the head off it. Then carefully separates the two pieces of plastic that hold the blade and discards them. Looking at the cold steel blade he wonders why this has to happen to him, he cant afford a child. Slowly he brings the blade to his wrist and starts to press it into his skin when there is a knock at the door. Its his girlfriend, Karyn, she insists he hurry up. He cant kill himself, he loves her. And with that he throws the blade down the drain and gets in the shower.

Upon completion of his shower he wraps himself in a towel and exits the restroom. He quickly dresses for it is already 11 A.M. He rushes Karyn into his 1973 Corvette Stingray and then gets in himself. Damn, he seems to have forgotten his keys.

He jumps out, slides over the hood and makes a mad dash for the front door. Locked. He rushes around to the back door and slips through the doggy door. Once in he rushes for the keys and then back out the door.