Saving Erin

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Jason McCrea 09/06/00 English 1101 Dr. Horn Parents see their children as innocent individuals needing someone to guide them through life. Part of parenting is letting go and allowing the child to grow up. This is harder for some parents than others. Parents need to allow their children to enjoy life and make decisions on their own. I have not experienced this situation to a great extent in my own family, but I have witnessed a family almost torn in two by parents not allowing their daughter to move on.

I have been dating Erin for over a year and a half now. She has the type of parents that just cannot "loosen up." In her parents' eyes, Erin is their property and will not be allowed to live life until one of the two occurs: she has to move out or get married to me. Throughout our relationship, her parents have caused too much commotion.

I was miserable with the way we were being treated. It was time to do something about it.

It was a normal night. Erin and I were spending time together at my house like always. We began to talk and her parents came up in the conversation. It was a real sensitive subject to Erin because the night before she got into a huge argument with her parents over respect and how she thought she was not being treated fairly. I became furious and hurt at the same time. Having Erin laying in my lap, crying hysterically over her parents pushed me far enough.

After calming her down, I told her, "I'm going to call your father tonight after you leave. You do not deserve this treatment at all from your parents." Erin left that night around ten o'clock.

As she left she told me, "Please do not be rude, he is my father." Seeing Erin suffer was too much. I had to tell her father what was on my mind no matter the consequences.

When I called her father, I started the conversation by saying, "your daughter is not happy, she is depressed, and being in your house is agony for her." I told him everything that happened at my house during the night. Her dad seemed madder at me the he seemed concerned with his daughter.

He came back by saying, "you're a little kid, and your thoughts do not matter to me." This was perfectly fine because I was more worried about what he thought of his daughter. What mattered most was Erin's well being. The conversation ended soon after that, thinking the whole discussion went nowhere. It was finally over. He knew where I stood on how Erin was being treated, and I knew exactly how he felt.

Erin called me back later that night and said, "my father was crying on my shoulder. Whatever you said made him realize how I was being treated. Talking with him helped thank-you.

I felt good about myself, because in some way I knew I helped Erin overcome her situation with her parents