
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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This three page paper looks at the article Until We Know More About Global Warming, the Best Policy is a Highly Flexible One written for The Chronicle of Higher Education, by Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. How they discuss the social and economic problem of the global warming debate and what effects it has on the environment and fiscal areas of the globe. Further more the paper looks at how the authors provide their reasons for such debates and whether their views are right or not in the eyes of the author of the paper.

Global Warming: The Debate The article is entitled Until We Know More About Global Warming, the Best Policy is a Highly Flexible One and is written for The Chronicle of Higher Education, by Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen, both senior fellows of Economic Studies.

The article discusses the ongoing argument regarding the effects of global warming, both writers use the analogy of a Rorschach test to the debate.

Environmentalists are talking about major cuts to the emissions of carbon-dioxide to prevent any more damage in the future.

Moreover, others argue that by cutting the emissions of carbon-dioxide it could cost more financially in the long run and therefore should not be considered, either way the article states that both are problematic and do not provide solutions.

The article also discusses the ideal that many cannot see through the arguments laid down by the scientists, although they themselves do not fully understand the predicaments of global warming or how it can fully affects the earth. However, they still continue to argue the main issues for and against it.

The article then follows how the earth is affected by global warming along with how quickly the temperatures change along with the rise of the oceans, again it explains that scientists have little knowledge of how this happens except by stating that by a mingling of gases causes a reaction in the atmosphere and there for forces more combustion and therefore a reaction in the solar radiation.

The article then moves on to discuss how businesses can help to prevent and in many ways stop the increase in premature global warming, furthermore it looks at how with the use of certain policies that can be put into action with the international agreements in force which although are not too strict can be enforced quite easily to force fee payment for more information.

Finally the article states quite contritely that the debate for global warming is an old issue and that the ideological debate that ensues over the issue should be put onto the back burner and new discussions on ways and methods of preventing such emissions from carbon-dioxide should be considered.

The article is one of the superbly written socio-economic principles that emerge every now and again from scientists and economists who have very little left to debate. As a result they bring forth the ideals and personalities that they feel should be discussed and leave out the basic issues as to how it truly effects the environment and also the inhabitants of the planet.

The writers of the article are more concerned with the economics of the policies rather than the logistics. However it is a reasonably well written article that will undoubtedly leave those that can understand the socio-economic jargon feeling either some what perplexed, angered or concurring.

In looking at the global warming aspect there is no true conclusion as to how it can be prevented. One issue that always arises is the question as to whether global warming exists, we have seen the effects of acid rain in the forests of Norway but are they not also part of nature. When a volcano erupts it sends up more emissions that a normal factory does, there can be little done to prevent this happening therefore many would argue that their emissions are not just to blame.

However, a simple solution may be to cut back on the emissions from factories and in turn look at more eco-friendly fuels. Whatever the debate on global warming and acid rain their will always be problems, most of these problems will arise out of the greed and stupidity of the ignorant tycoon and not the common man.