The Sectional Origins Of The Churches Of Christ

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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This review covers the chapter titled "The Sectional Origins of Churches of Christ," written in the American Origins book. This chapter ends up discussing the Disciples of Christ and how they came to be. It starts off discussing how they were established. In the early 19th century, Biblical realists who were living according to the bible were preaching about wanting to restore the ancient gospel, and live life as well as preach according to the Bible. Disciples of Christ began forming and eventually improved tremendously between 1830 and 1860 with membership over 200,000 people. By the 20th century membership was over a million people. The Disciples of Christ was listed independently apart from other churches. Divisions in the church had gone back to the early 19th century. There was a constant urging for the restoring of the ancient ways and also for Christian unity. Constant conflicting and no finding of solutions for the problems, the churches eventually went separate ways.

The eventually became two major groups known as "Society/Standard Men" for one side, and "Advocate Men" for the other. Society men were the liberals, and the Advocate men were the conservatives. The Society men supported the American Christian missionary society and the journal Christian Standard, and the Advocate men supported the Southern Periodicals and the Gospel Advocate. The name "Churches of Christ" became official in the south with the conservatives, and the "Christian Church," title was worn by the churches of liberal northern members. The term "Disciples of Christ," was used on both sides. The conservative had grown very quickly with a membership of well over 2 million by 1961. Joined with the liberal side, the Christian Church, both sides formed the largest and most significant religious movement native to America.

Sectional Distribution is one of the most distinctive characteristics of the Churches of Christ since its induction. There were well over 150,000 members who lived in the confederate states. Indiana was the only state up North with Five Thousand members in its church.