A Seperate Peace

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade October 2001

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Wars are made by people's ignorance and mistakes. Some people say that wars are inevitable. Others say that wars are necessary. And yet others say wars can be prevented because wars are made by humans' mistakes. In A Sepreate Peace by John Knowles one of the character's states, "Wars are not made by generations and their special stupidities, but wars are made by something ignorant in the human heart." This is basically saying that humans make wars.

"Wars are not made by generations and their special stupidities"¦" This part of the quote talks about how it isn't the generations themselves that start the wars. It is the individual people and what they don't know, that start wars. Brinker thinks that even though his father's generation was responsible for starting the war his generation has to fight in it, and dreads being drafted, while his father's generation longs to be young enough to fight at all.

He thinks it unfair to make them fight when they didn't do anything in the first place. The second part of the quote, "but wars are made by something ignorant in the human heart," is talking about how, when there is something you don't know about yourself you forget what is right and what is wrong. So when you are unsure of yourself you don't always know what to do.