Shakespeare's "Macbeth" Literary Critique.

Essay by munkykissezHigh School, 12th gradeA-, April 2007

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Shakespeare's Macbeth Literary Critique

Brittany Willis

March 2007

Mrs. Sanchez

AP Lit & Comp

3rd period

The critical author of Shakespeare's verse, in Macbeth, has interpreted the work in a sort of Carpe Diem sense, proposing that Shakespeare's intentions were to support the sentiment that everyday is a new day and every new day is one more opportunity to seize life and begin afresh. He begins line by line, comparing the "death" of each day to that of an entire human lifetime. The author explains Shakespeare's superficial meaning to be a relative representation of his deeper meaning which is: begin everyday anew and live it to the fullest just as any man proclaims to live his entire life to the brim. He continues to employ a variety of logical comparisons to make his point. His first argument being the comparison of waking up each new day to the original birth, the second comparison is that of the daily chore which eats up the time of most days, to the long and active phase of adulthood.

His last comparison is comprised of the last stage of most days, that which is comprised of sleep, the "death" of the day and thus that day's "life," in contrast, it is comparable to life's end. He described it to be the "'balm' of hurt minds," the point of relaxation after several long years of working continuously only to rest in old age, just as we rest before our passing into sleep.

The article expresses ideas that are easily identified within the author's original work which assist to accurately describe sentiments that may be classified with the author's intent. Therefore, it may be agreed upon that the overall opinion of the article is truthful and intelligible, supported with reason and logical fact. The writer's first mentioned speculation to support his theory is the association of the death of a day with the end of life -literal death.