Should an athlete's gender determine whether or not they will be allowed to participate in any sport they choose?

Essay by dukrbukCollege, UndergraduateA+, February 2004

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Should an athlete's gender determine whether or not they will be allowed to participate in any sport they choose?

Whenever the topic of letting women play sports with men comes up, there are always people who have their own distinct opinions of what should happen. It is almost like bringing up the topics of religion or politics within a large group. People's ideas on the subject might agree with a main view, but each person sees minor respects of that topic from a little different perspective. So, what are some of the ideas for or against letting women play in men's sports leagues and vice versa?

In today's society, with its rapidly changing ideas of what is right, wrong, or indifferent this subject is bound to come up. Women have been fighting for equality with their male counterparts the birth of this country. They have made some great strides along the way and achieved many things to help in the advancement of all women.

Though it is becoming more and more of an issue now that women want not only to have the right to play any sport they choose (most all sports have a women's league today), but also to play along side the men. This is one debate that will probably never be truly won or lost completely to one side. However, it is a topic that, if enough support is raised, women might actually earn/win women the right to play along side the males who for centuries dominated the sporting scene. This truly is a noble idea, but is it best for the women athletes and the sports in which their influence will be felt?

Some people say allowing women to play sports with men will just get more women hurt and water down the effected sports.