
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2002

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Sled by thomas E. adams Joeys attitufe is really bad he has a bad temper him and his sister dont get along to well. They both make up lies and tell them to their moms to get one onater in trouble. One night joeys sister made up a lie and told it to mother. Mother got mad at joey and made him say sorry how ever the only way he could go sleding is if he tells his sister sorry. He did only because he could go sleding if he said sorry. Joey ran outside and grabbed his sled. He really loves sledding and he loves his sled its really important to him. He rode it down a couple of times and then the one time he broke the sled. On no i broke the best sled. He broke the mettal bar. His sister comes out and askes him if she could ride the sled with out knowing joey broke it.

He said yes she rode it down and wrecked. O know i broke your sled. Joeys says it's okay its not your fault. But he didn't tell her that he broke it she thinks she broke it. But really they are getting closer they actually aren't fighting or calling each other names.