The Sonnet

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate July 2001

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The novel that I have read as a possibility for inclusion in the Grade Twelve English Course of study was "˜Pride and Prejudice'. After reading the book it did not take me long to determine whether or not I felt that this book would be an appropriate novel for students at the Grade twelve level. For a book to be suitable for study for these students it needs to be at their reading level in language and the subject matter needs to be appropriate for study in a high school classroom. As well as this, the book needs to make room for discussion with students concerning things such as themes and character analysis. I do not feel that this book was able to meet these standards for several reasons. I do not feel that the language level was suitable for students of this reading ability, and that the topics covered in the book suitable for study in a classroom.

I also feel that this book was not in dept enough in description in areas such as character and setting for analysis and discussion to take place between teacher and students.

I do not feel that the language in the book was suitable for reading by Grade twelve students. This book is considered as a romantic comedy. To people with a less understanding of the English language it may prove difficult to pick up on this humour a lot of the time. With the limited vocabulary of students at a Grade Twelve reading level it would prove difficult to understand. When you consider this, you would have to think that it would be difficult to appreciate the novel for what it is. Since the book was written in the early eighteen hundreds, many of the idioms used in that day would be much different from those of today, and would certainly not be enjoyed or understood by teenagers of our age. Even though the language in this novel may not be nearly as difficult to understand as that of Shakespeare, I believe that students should not have to be restricted in their reading by a language barrier in every book they read. They should have a chance to enjoy a book without having to ponder over a key word or phrase in order to understand what is going on. This book is especially not suitable for reading as an independent study unit. If this book were to be studied at all it would need to be studied in class so that it could be properly explained and discussed with a teacher and be properly understood. With the difficulty of the language, this book would not be recommended for Grade twelve studies.

As the well as the language, I do not feel that the subject matter was appropriate for a Grade twelve classroom. This book is about the pursuit of love and romance in an upscale social class of many years ago. I do not think that this type of reading should be assigned by schools but should only be read by students in their personal time. I think that a romantic novel, no matter how acclaimed, should not be a part of the school curriculum. Most of the book is about relationships and how they are affected by money and prominence, especially when it comes to marriage. I do not think that this subject is suitable for school. For example, the young girls of the Bennet family are in constant pursuit of a husband while prospecting with many different men. A more suitable subject is necessary in my opinion for classroom reading material.

Along with the subject, I do not feel that these students could appropriately analyse the novel independently. Many of the attributes of each of the main characters can be found in their dialogue. Their personalities are revealed through what they say and be only picked up upon if one understands the meaning of what they are saying, which may prove to be difficult with the complexity of the language and vocabulary used by the author. It seems that in the book time passes very quickly and the reader never really gets the opportunity to get to know the scene and setting of the novel. I think that this is one of the aspects of a book that can make a book interesting to the reader, the ability of the author to be able to make you picture the scene in your head. For example, the current book studied in Grade twelve is "˜The Stone Angel'. This book contained a lot of description of setting and the reader was able to accurately vision what was going on, which proved to be difficult in "˜Pride and Prejudice', I thought. The interest level is also an important point to consider when choosing any book. Will the students be able to enjoy this book? I think that many of the students would not because of all the boundaries listed above. I think that it would be difficult for students to relate to the characters because of the time period in which it was written. Understanding the personalities of the characters such as Elizabeth or Mr. Darcy is a very important part of the novel. If students are unable to analyse this book, it shouldn't be included in the curriculum.

I do not think that "˜Pride and Prejudice' is an appropriate novel for study in the Grade twelve course. I think these students should be able to have the opportunity of reading literature that is more recent in history for a change as a contrast to such reading as Shakespeare. I do not feel that it met the requirements of suitable novel for this reading level, understanding that the book still is under high regard among many readers. I would not, however, hold anyone back from reading this novel that would be able to appreciate it. I think that this book would be considered at more of an OAC reading level, but not for Grade twelve.