Spanish Bull Run

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Topic: Spain General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about Spain.

Main Idea: First I will give general information about Spain, then I will explain a large aspect of Spanish culture, running with the bulls.

INTRODUCTION I. Spain is the third most popular tourist country in the world. It is one of the most diverse and visually stunning nations of Europe.

A. Widely known for Flamenco music and dance, bull-fights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine, Spain has to offer much more than that.

B. It has beautiful cities and towns, offering really old monuments as well as futuristic architecture.


II. Running with the Bulls is a large part of Spanish culture, and one of the most popular tourist attractions. A. It is one of the most unusual, thrilling, and dangerous religious ceremonies of the world.

B. For one week in July, visitors and citizens of Pamplona participate in the daily morning Bull Run, and the evening bull fight.

1. In between these two main events, the people are singing, cheering, drinking, and dancing.

2. The celebration also includes organized concerts and special events for participants and spectators.

III. My name is Leigha Dalton, and I have obtained valuable information about the Spanish Bull Run through both research and interviews.

IV. Tonight I will explain the history, process, and guidelines of the famous Bull Run (Transition: First, I will talk about the origins of this event.) Body I. In 1541, residents had to herd the bulls to the fighting arena where traditional bull fights took place.

A. At first, only the drovers (cattle herders) were allowed to run in front of the bulls.

1. After some time, the butcher's guild (who were in charge of buying the bulls) started running with the drovers to lead the bulls to the bull ring.

2. Locals became more daring and decided to run in front of the bulls with the drovers, instead of behind them.

B. In 1852, a new fighting arena was built, as well as a new street route for the bulls to enter was created.

1. The new route for the bull run was shorter.

2. The new route has dangerous twists and turns making it even more difficult to escape the bulls safely.

C. Originally only a few daring souls ran with the bulls, but the rush of running in front of a 1500 lb bull has caught on immensely. 1. Running with the bulls is now a major part of Spanish culture.

2. Running with the bulls attracts many visitors to Spain each year.

(Transition: Now that you know how running with the bulls started, I will explain the events that take place) II. The festival begins the first day at 12 noon with a fireworks ceremony in front of town hall.

A. Thousands gather for this moment as corks fly into the air and champagne drenches the packed crowd.

B. The half mile run is through cobbled narrow streets, and is marked along the way by a tall double lined fence.

1. There is a gap between the fence which is strictly for police, medical teams, and runners to make a quick escape.

2. Spectators must stay outside the second fence where there are a number of places to view the event along the route.

a. In order to secure a good spot to watch, spectators should fight the cold morning and get there between 5:30-6:30 am.

b. You can also rent the balcony of a local, or observe the bulls running into the ring from the arena.

(Transition: Now that you know about the event, I will explain what is required if you want to run with the bulls) III. For those crazy folk who choose to take part in the challenging run, there are a number of basic guidelines to be followed.

A. Runners must be 18 years old.

B. Never run if you are drunk or excessively tired.

1. never stand still, you must always run.

2. While running, make sure you are cautious of what is happening all around you.

C. Do not try to touch the bulls or catch their attention.

1. A distracted bull may decide to break from the herd.

2. A lone bull is extremely dangerous and much more likely to attack.

3. Also the drovers, who carry very large poles, do not tolerate messing and freely whack offenders D. If you should fall there is one and only one thing to do, Stay down and cover your head. 1. When all the bulls have passed someone will tap you on the shoulder to let you know you're safe.

2. It was by attempting to stand up that Peter Mathews Tasio was fatally gored.

a. Fifteen people have been killed since 1910. b. Hundreds have been injured in the run.

(Transition: Following these few rules are very important to keep the runners safe and out of danger.) CONCLUSION I. In conclusion, I have covered the history, agenda, and guidelines of the famous Bull Run.