Spanish Script

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate September 2001

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EL diablo en el bosque Beatriz- Camera Girl Olga- documenter Guadalupe- documenter Raquel- documenter Scene One: (In the street) Beatriz- We are going into the woods, how do all of you feel? Vamos en el bosque ?Como se sinten hoy? Olga- Excited! Es emocionante Raquel- Is my skirt too long? ?Es mi falda demasiada larga? Beatriz- How do you feel Guadalupe? ?Como esta de Guadalupe? Guadalupe- I feel hungry Tengo hambre Beatriz- We are entering the woods now. (background Guadalupe singing) Entramos el bosque ahora.

Scene Two: Guadalupe- Are we going to die? ?Vamos a morir? Beatriz- I will beat up anyone who comes here.

Batire alguien que viene aqui.

Raquel- Not if they are cute! ?Y si estan guapos? Beatriz- Then you can have them. We are alone in the woods. The devil is in the woods, this is scary! Entonces envaso tener ellos. Estamos solo en el bosque.

Los puedes. Diablo es en el bosque. Tenemos miedo.

Olga- The devil will come! El diablo Vendra.

Guadalupe- What is a devil? ?Que es un diablo? Beatriz- Set the tent down, then pull it up (they set up tent) What do you want to do now? Necesitamos hacer una tienda. ?Donde es la una tienda? ?Quien tiene una tienda? Pon la tienda puesto tierra. ?Que quieren Uds. ahora? Guadalupe- I want to dance (starts singing) Quiero bailar.

Scene Three: Beatriz- Did you hear that? ?Oiste esto? Olga- What? ?Que? Guadalupe- I hear the noise Oi el ruido! Beatriz- It's fiesta music! Es musica de fiesta! All- Scream (and run) (Beatriz is missing) Guadalupe- Where is Beatriz? ?Donde esta Beatriz? Raquel- She is walking around No se donde esta Beatriz.

Scene Four: (Documentary) Olga- The devil is scary to some, and a God to others! El diablo es miedo a algunos y un dios a otros.

Guadalupe- What is Devil's last name? ?Que es el ultimo nombre del diablo? Raquel- Is the devil cute? I want to meet him.

?Es el diablo guapo? Quiero encontarselo.

Guadalupe- The devil is a monster, he is bad, he is mean, he is red, he has a pitchfork, he is big, he lives down there. He is bad, he is mean.

El diablo es monstruso, el es malo, el es mal intencionado, el es rojo, tiene un horquilla, vive descendente alli, el es malo, el es rojo"¦ Raquel- STOP! Nobody wants to see you! (Raquel gets in front of the devil is big and red and he has a big pitch fork! (hear screams) What is that noise? !Para! Nadie quiere verte! El diablo es grande y rojo, el tiene horquilla larga"¦.?Que es ruido? Olga- My master, the great devil! Mi patron, el grand diablo.

Raquel- I am so scared. (Olga and Raquel Hug) Tengo mucho miedo.

Guadalupe- Look! I found blood! The blood is on the tree. The tree with the blood is over there.

!Mira! Fundo sangre. Sangre esta en el arbol. El arbol con sangre es ta aquel.

Raquel- Guadalupe, Come Back! I want to leave! Guadalupe, ven aca! !Ven aca! Quiero salir! Guadalupe- I want Taco Bell! AHHH!!!! Quiero Taco Bell! AHHH!!!! Olga- Guadalupe is gone! Guadalupe es salierdo.

Raquel- I need to change my shoes! They don't match the trees.

Necesito cambiar la zapatos, no pareja los arboles.

Scene Five: Raquel- I am really scared now! Estoy mucho miedo.

Olga- Why? ?Por que? Raquel- I am so scared. The devil will kill me! What is going to happen, I hope policemen come to save us"¦.in uniforms! Estoy mucho miedo, El diablo me matara ?Que pasarde? Espero que policias en uniformes vendren para salvarnos.

Olga- The devil will save me! El diablo me salvara! Raquel- Does he wear a uniform? ?El diablo llega un uniforme? Olga- No, he has a pitchfork.

No, tiene una horquilla.

Raquel- Wow! Did you see that? ?Viste este? Olga- no, what? No, ?que? Raquel- Nothing, I have to go to the bathroom.

Nada, tengo que ir al bano. (walks over by a tree) Voice in black- Can you tell me how to get to Raquel? ?Donde esta a Raquel? Olga- She is next to the tree Esta cerca del arbol.

Voice- Gracias Olga- De nada Raquel-The devil, devil!!!! (runs away) El diablo, diablo"¦"¦"¦ahhh! Olga-Where is the devil? He is here to save me! (gets hit with a rock, and is unconscious) ?Donde esta el diablo? El es aqui para ahorrar mi.

Scene Six: Olga-Where is everybody? Help! Help! ?Donde esta todo el mundo? Ayuda, Ayuda! (Guadalupe is standing by the creek) Runs over and hugs Guadalupe, Guadalupe falls in the creek"¦.dead! Olga sees Raquel and Beatriz standing by the trees Raquel and Beatriz start doing the can-can"¦.then you hear a scream"¦Camera falls and you see the Devil) Devil: Next"¦ Despues"¦ The End