
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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In the times of today the rates of teenage pregnancy and sexual activity are very high and still on the rise. But above these with staggering statistics is a topic that is not talked about much. This is the rising rates of STD's in teens. Thousands of teens throughout the US have been diagnosed with gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and the most deadly of them all AIDS.

In my opinion the root of this problem is that we neglect to talk about it with our teenagers and young adults. Most of the teens who contract these diseases are either misinformed or not informed at all about the realities and consequences of contracting an STD. In all reality they are taught about it in health classes in school and that's about how far it goes.

Many teens who are sexually active are not worried about anything but getting pregnant they do not think that they are putting themselves at risk of getting diseases.

They also believe that their relationships are TOTALLY monogamous so they do not use protection such as condoms, but even if they aren't with anyone else you still have to think about their previous sexual partners were and if they have or have had any diseases they could have passed on to your partner which in turn means it could be passed on to you.