Stevie Wonder, 7th-8th Grade Essay

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade August 2001

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Stevie Wonder was one of the greatest musicians ever. A musician at heart, Stevie recorded his first album with Motown (12-Year-Old-Genius) while he was still an infant. His blindness was imperative. He is portrayed as one of my role models. Stevie Wonder was blind since birth, but he learned to play many instruments. The first instrument he learned to play was the piano. He made many albums after the first one. He later won a Grammy for life-time achievement in 1996. He also won many other Grammies before that one. Stevie is most famous for the song "You Are the Sunshine of My Life." He has been an activist for Mother's Against Drunk Driving, We Are the World (an organization that helps prevent world hunger), and black civil rights. Stevie Later ended his contract with Motown.

Seven years later, Stevie Wonder recorded his second album, it was names Signed, Sealed, and Delivered. The next year he recorded Where I'm Coming From. The album Stevie is most famous for is Talking Book, and in this album he played and sang all the vocal parts. The song "You Are the Sunshine of My life" dominated the charts of best selling charts for a long time.

The way Stevie Wonder overcame many obstacles on the way to stardom, he showed me that if you work hard you would achieve your goal and overcome any obstacles along the way. Making him a one of the most distinguished out there. Stevie inspired me to keep on trying no matter what the problem is. What Stevie showed me has strengthened my principles. Stevie refuted the idea of not being able to succeed because being blind; I can do anything if I believe in myself just like Stevie Wonder did.