The story of deirdre

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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The Story of Deirdre The Story of Deirdre is indicative of the prolific writer's inherent ability to pursue even the simplest of concepts. Considered to be one of the "Three Sorrowful Tales of Erin," this tragic story of love's struggles has stood the test of time throughout myriad centuries, with versions having existed as far back as the eighth century. Within the confines of the Celtic author's passionate tale lies the relationship of Deirdre and Naisi, representing a small but well-received component of Irish life. Not unlike other works that delve into the romance of the Celts, The Story of Deirdre appeals to the innermost recesses of the reader's soul. The author has an undeniable ability of reaching out and inviting his audience to experience with him the sometimes intense and often expansive sense of being that is clearly portrayed within the pages of The Story of Deirdre.

The Celtic storyteller had a distinctive talent when it came to writing about the concept of love, entanglement and strife about which the Celts are so passionate.

The Story of Deirdre is one such piece of literary work that is a reflection of the author's realistic nature in that it benefits the very essence of his compelling fortitude. Indeed, blossoming within the ruggedness of his own experiences, it is clear how the writer was so successful at portraying Deirdre's troubles as though they were his own. It can be argued that this connection provided significant insight to the concepts about which the writer wrote.

When one considers the decidedly related approach to such typical Celtic writings, one will realize that The Story of Deirdre strives for a very contrasting abstract with regard to its overall impression. Not only was the story similar to most tales of Irish woe, but also it is considerably more appealing in its comprehensive nature. The Story of Deirdre is clearly reflected of a time in the writer's life where he was significantly more in tuned to the transient aspects of love and existence, with heavy emphasis upon outlying distractions and interference.

The characters of The Story of Deirdre are particularly associated with the manner in which traditional Celtic personalities were portrayed and continue to be in similar type sagas, serving to establish a symmetrical ambiance throughout such works. Each one is decidedly reminiscent or past characters, despite the fact that those in The Story of Deirdre reflect considerably more intense than do many other Celtic literary personalities. It can be said that the author characters that were both believable and fully developed, which is a feat not easily accomplished in such limited capacity. The fact that the writer was completely able to represent his characters in such a fashion as to give the reader a sense of a connectedness speaks volumes regarding his inherent talent.

"Then she ran to Cathbad, because he was a seer; ... and Cathbad said: 'Within the cradle of your womb cries a woman of curling yellow golden hair, with slow grey-pupilled eyes. Like the foxglove are her purple cheeks, to the color of snow we compare the spotless treasure of her teeth. Bright are her lips, of vermillion red. A woman through whom there will be many slaughters among the chariot-warriors of Ulster . . . '" Indeed the author is not only successful at establishing concrete characterization in The Story of Deirdre, but he is also triumphant at portraying these characters as both finite and composed. This quality not only lends considerably to the un believability of the characters but also to the overall structural composition, which, if this does not exist as it does in The Story of Deirdre, leaves the reader without reason to involve himself in the story. To be sure, the author possessed a definite sense of the dramatic, which can be witnessed merely by perusing the pages of this profoundly dramatic saga. Truly, The Story of Deirdre depicts something innately pure and unencumbered, which is, after all, the essence of this particular piece of literary work and so easily accounted for in the very first lines of the story.

The structural basis of The Story of Deirdre is symbolic of the author's intrinsic creativity and ability to see beyond the obvious. Characteristically reminiscent of the very essence of the author's literary interpretation, The Story of Deirdre reflects a significant quite distinguishable from many other works of this genre. Indeed, to perceive only this particular story would give the reader a distinct indication of the author's typical romantic style, as it would be representative of the many symbolic concepts of Celtic lore.

The author's extreme humanitarianism and devotion to the written word is significantly apparent within the literary boundaries of The Story of Deirdre. Not only does the reader assume the fact that he is wholly attentive to the craft, but also he is privy to the notion that the writer does not write about things that are not close to his heart. The Story of Deirdre is but one in a long list of similarly popular works that were derived directly from the author's seat of passion. In fact, it can be argued that The Story of Deirdre represents one of the most insightful and emotionally charged literary pieces ever composed.

The Story of Deirdre possesses many important components that, if not taken in its direct context, will be overlooked by the average reader. It is essential to also look beyond the story's overall meaning so as not to miss the grand but elusive subtleties. To be sure, the story was a writing by a writer who incorporated a significant amount of blatancy while also implying considerable obscurity. This dichotomy has served to be the cornerstone of this type of work, which have successfully stood the test of time.

Without question, The Story of Deirdre provides a unique insight into the relationships among the characters, the theme and the overall structural content in such a manner as to keep the reader riveted at all times. Also evident within the very essence of the story is the manner in which it illustrates the compassion inherent within such a literary composer. Taken within the context that was meant by the author, The Story of Deirdre represents the struggles that are apparent in every relationship, yet even more disheartening when these struggles are presented by an outside source. Casting aside the inherent intensity of this particular piece of Irish tale, The Story of Deirdre, has long been a source of inspiration and entertainment for people of all ages and heritage.