The Story About One More Immigrant

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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The story about one immigrant.

Tom who came from poor Poland is living in America where can have everything he dreams about.

When he first arrived in the U.S.A. was very excited. Everything appears interesting to him because he never saw anything Americans and so beautiful before. He always dreams about travel to different places, try new things and, now he can made all that. He live here couple years and he already travel to the closest states around him.

Because he wanted know more Tom even didn't wait a minute to consider if he should take a chance when had opportunity to start studying in U.S. In the beginning it was hard to him learn those words who have more than one meaning because, he mix them with others. But he survived all this and become of his hard spirit he start study one the one of the Connecticut's University.

Sometimes Tom feels homesick for the people he behind, but then he use to calling them. This way he keeps in touch also with all friends and family from Poland.

Tom is happy to be here and to do what he loves to do, but besides of that he always will love and remember his native country.