Studying for a career in bioethics St Mary's Univ. College, Twickenham Describe the course Describe the content

Essay by ppatel2975Junior High, 9th gradeA-, May 2009

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St Mary's Univ. College, TwickenhamThe medical ethic course in St Mary's University is a large course, meant for postgraduate students. The course examines many different views of bioethics, due to the fact that a 'new medical ethic problem arises everyday', due to technology being revolutionized and creating new ways to help people, or to kill them in a way such as assisted suicide, cloning people, withdrawing treatment, and whether new research has proved that the person will never heal.

The course is based on four core modules: Human Person and Human Action, Bioethics and Medical Law, Research Methods, and Dissertation. There are other optional modules, such as: Issues at the beginning of Life, Issues at the End of Life, Professional- Patient Relationship, Religious Bioethics, and Health and Social Responsibility The course has two lessons a week, on Monday and Fridays. The perspective of the course is strongly based on the Hippocratic Oath, the oath that all doctors have to take.

The oath corresponds with the religious beliefs of Judaism and Christianity on medical ethics of a person or persons. The course aims to help familiarize the students with the plurality of the academic and practical approached to bioethics issues and to study all the issues. It also plans to promote enquiry into Bioethics in a Hippocratic/Judeo-Christian context. With this the University plans to help awareness of the universal and inter-faith importance of collaboration in matters of justice. Another aim is to provide professionals of healthcare and Bioethics teachers with the academic assets to reflect significantly on the ethical issues of present medicine. The last central aim of the University is to create a center for conversation and reflection with those of religious and those without, to explore our universal humanity, therefore promoting the culture of life. The course has three options, a certificate, a diploma, or a master's degree in the Bioethics course. The certificate requires 60 credits, 30 of which have to be core credits. The diploma requires 120 credits and the Master's degree requires 120 credits and a 20,000-word essay on the dissertation. There are 8 different types of modules, they each have different aims and will teach different things. The first is Human Beings and Human Action. This main part of the course aims to explore certain essential conceptions of the human body in philosophy and theological tradition in the western world. The second course is Bioethics and Medical Law. The main course aim is to explore the history of bioethics and to critically consider the way other schools have adopted bioethics. They plan to explore both on religion and secular. The third course is Ethical issues at the beginning of life. The main part of the course is to explore ethical issues of bringing a baby in to the world and the protection of young human life. The fourth course is Ethical issues at the end of Life. The main part of the course explores the issues concerning death and the bringing about of death directly or indirectly. The fifth course is the professional/patient relationship. The main aim of the course is to explore the many ethical dilemmas involved between the medical professional and the patient. The sixth course is research methods. The main aim of the course is to secure a understanding of the methods and tools of bioethical enquiry and research. The seventh course is Religious bioethics. The main aim of the course is to be able to identify the main source of moral reflection in at lest two major religions. The eight and final course is social responsibility and health. The main aim of the course is place health in social context and to explore the social and institutional aspects of healthcare delivery. These are all the main course subjects in St. Mary's University. The medical ethic course here does take time, but has many resources and does teach the student a lot about medical ethics and how to be able to understand and use medical ethics in life and death situations.

McGill UniversityPeople look to achieve a professional degree, to try to get a better life, because they are not satisfied with their current one. This program is for people who already have a degree in a health, medicine or life science related department. The McGill University offers four different options, religious studies, philosophy, law or experimental medicine, which leads to different and new types of bioethics. The course is varies between addressing different methods and theories in bioethics, others go into the history of moral philosophy or medical ethics, and yet other look into ethical reasoning. These courses examine ethical issues related to biotechnology and genetics, research ethics and regulation of biomedical research, and ethical issues in end-of-life care. Each program goes into depth and exams a few different aspects related to the course. Not only do some of the courses go very much in depth, they also offer courses on quality research methods. Many programs offer electives in sociology of health and illness, sociology of professions and occupations, history of science, theories of justice, literature and medicine, and genetics and society. By studying any of these, the student gets a much better perspective of the topic and can apply it to their course in the future. To choose the right program, one must do quite of a bit of research into the topic, to make sure they know what they want to choose. They also have to have an interest in the topic. The student must also need to think of their future and where they will use they degree in bioethics. Their goals must match that of the course, so that they will know what they are going to learn and how to apply it in the future. If they want to do something in a hospital, a teacher, a government agency, or anything elsewhere bioethics applies. Also make sure that if you want to do masters or just get a degree to make sure that the course taken is the correct amount of time. The student must also be sure of the fact that if they do their course in a known university, they have a much better chance of getting a better job in the future. There is also the fact that the student should apply to a few selected courses and not numerous ones. The student must also make sure that they have financial backing, because due to the large fees and other money using items, such as food, accommodation, transportation, tuition, etc. There is much to consider before applying for a course in bioethics, but once the student does apply, they should understand all of the forms, prerequisites, fees, core, electives, etc. They should know all the facts to know what they are going to study to fit their needs, if they get their course of choice. After the course is taken, then the former students normally return to their work place to get a better understand of bioethics, they take up positions at labs, or as professors or teachers at of school or a university. They also take up positions at government agencies, medical associations, or committee boards. They competition is intense to receive a good job, as employers normally look for experience. The McGill University has a very good course in bioethics and will help their students to achieve an in depth knowledge of their subjects.

McGill in Canada (great med school)Article by Leigh Turner: :read and summarizeWake Forest Graduate School of Arts & Sciences