Survey Paper

Essay by sanjeetk76University, Bachelor'sB, February 2011

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Survey Paper

Sanjeet K. Singh


January 7, 2011

John Sankovic



Survey Paper

Workman's Compensation Survey

Your Age: _______

Your Sex: ___Male ___Female

Your Race/Ethnicity: ___ Asian ___ Pacific Islander ___ Black/African American ___ American Indian/Alaska Native ___ White (Not Hispanic or Latino) ___ Hispanic or Latino (All Races) ___ Unknown

Do you feel your workman's compensation rights were fully explained to you?

Yes or No ______

Do you feel you may lose your job because of your work related injury?

Yes or No ______

Is temporary disability an option that is worth considering in lieu of Workman's Compensation Benefits?

Yes or No ______

Do you feel the information provided in the Workman's Compensation Booklet was useful to you?

Yes or No ______

Please answer the following questions in order of how important they are to you.

You can answer by marking agree, strongly agree, do not agree, strongly disagree or do not know.

Having a lawyer represent you in a Workman's Compensation case is important?


___Strongly agree

___Do not agree

___Strongly disagree

___Do not know

Claiming a work related injury will cause me to lose my job or position with the company?


___Strongly agree

___Do not agree

___Strongly disagree

___Do not know

Do feel filing you have been discriminated against because of your Workman's Compensation claim?


___Strongly agree

___Do not agree

___Strongly disagree

___Do not know

Do you believe you should be able to go to the medical provider of your choice while going through the Workman's Compensation process?


___Strongly agree

___Do not agree

___Strongly disagree

___Do not know

Your medical injury could have been avoided if you were provided with better knowledge...