
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Since the beginning of time Earth had a great time line of its history, its time line starts like every other country in this world. Its also has its relevance to every country, such as Sweden. Sweden has been existed since the Prehistoric, Viking Age, Middle Ages, Vasa Period, Great Power, Age of Freedom, Gustavian Era, Charles XIV John and Liberalism, Emigration and Industrialization, Modern Era, last but not least the Millennium. But its most important of Sweden is how it became one of the greatest countries in the world with the best standard of living. Well, Sweden's origin started in the early historic times, Svealand was inhabited by the Svear (the Suiones by Tacitus in the late 1st century A.D.). They engaged in wars with their southern neighbors, who inhabited Götaland, who were the ancestors of the Goths. By the 6th century A.D. the Svear had emerged with the Götar, soon after then conquered them.

The early Swedes were combined and confused with other Scandinavians (the piratical Vikings and Norsemen). In the 10th century A.D. the Swedes, known also as the Varangians in Russia, extended their influence to the Black Sea. The Swedish kings declared war for centuries with their Danish and Norwegian neighbors.

St. Ansgar then introduced Christianity in c.829, but people that were not Christian or had no religion, so it was fully blown apart in the 12th century by Eric IX( The man who conquered Finland). The royal authority was weakened before the 13th century by the rise of an independent group of quarrels. The Swedish cities also began to obtain wide rights at that time and were strongly influenced by German merchants of the Hanseatic League, especially at Visby. In 1319, Sweden and Norway were united under Magnus VII, and in 1397 Queen Margaret I effected the personal union of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark through the Kalmar Union. However, Margaret's successors were unable to control the Swedes. Real power was held for long periods by chosen by the Swedish people. Christian II, who made his claim to Sweden by force of arms, ordered a massacre in 1520 of Swedish nobles at Stockholm. This "Stockholm Blood Bath" stirred the Swedes to new resistance at Strängnäs, in 1523. They then made Gustavus Vasa their king as Gustavus I. Soon after the Gustavus Era occurred. He was one of the most monarchs in Sweden. On one hand, he was skilled in politics, gentle, cultivated and clever - and on the other hand, he was capricious, fond of amusement and evasive. He then made Sweden a great European power. Through a war with Russia, he acquired Ingermanland and Karelia from Poland. He then took nearly all of Livonia. By his victories at Breitenfeld and Lützen in the 30 years of war, Gustavus made Sweden the dominant Protestant power of continental Europe.