“Taming of the Shrew” is a book that brings out

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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"Taming of the Shrew" is a book that brings out the best in deception, disguises, and the battle of women vs. men. It also gives a humorous tale of the unraveling of the disguises and how forgiveness, redemption, and conversion prevailed in the end. Shakespeare did an extraordinary job in his characterization, because each of his characters have their own traits and all their traits rolled into one makes this book fun and exciting.

Throughout the book Shakespeare had the woman's world constantly batting heads with the men's world. He used Katherina, a strong-headed woman who had a mind of her own, and placed her in a world where men were the dominant force. Katherina was to be wed to a man whose man purpose in marrying her was to gain her wealth, but also he had the intention of changing her shrewish ways and making her succumb to his every command.

This, of course, brought about a major conflict in the story and had also caused struggle within the characters themselves. Katherina is the main person who fought internal conflict with herself. She did not know whether to keep her independent stubborn ways, or to indeed change and become a loyal wife to her husband. Deception was present when Lucentio, Tranio, Hortensio, and the pedant all took another name and another face to deceive the beautiful Bianca's father. Lucentio, who used his deceptions to his advantage and gained the right to wed Bianca over Hortensio and Gremio, won this deception in the end.

Deception can only last only up until the truth comes out. Lucentio's problem was he had to many people apart of his master disguise and in the end he was caught. His disguise was depleted when his real father arrived to Padua, and demanded that he see his son for fear that he may be dead. He thought is son was dead because he ran into Tranio who was disguised as his son, and his only thoughts were that Tranio killed Lucentio in order to gain wealth and name. "Taming of the Shrew" is a perfect example of deception can only lead to a plea for redemption.

Shakespeare did a phenomenal job on bring out the best in his characters. He made a huge drama that in the end found forgiveness. Kate had learned to love, respect, and care about others who were dear to her. Baptista was able to forgive and to forget the fact that his new son in law deceived him. Bianca looked pasted Lucentio's disguise and was able to fall in love with him. Above all everyone found forgiveness and redemption and ended the "Taming of the Shrew" with a happy ending.

In conclusion, Shakespeare took a cast of individuals and found that you can find humor in deception, disguises, and the battle of women vs. men, but in the end he found happiness in the unraveling of the disguises. The happiness resulted in forgiveness that each character had with one another.