Taxi Cat And Huey

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade May 2001

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The book I am reporting on is titled Taxi Cat and Huey; this book was written by Gen Leroy and illustrated by Karen Ritz in 1992.

The setting of this book occurred in many different places. It started off in a home in New York City, then to a terrifying trip to the vet's office and back home. Later the story traveled to a home in the countryside for a vacation. Once the story had been set in the countryside, it also moved to the bay, the town, and the fair on many different occasions. All of the characters used in the story were very friendly and caring people, and showed their kindness in many generous ways. The weather of the story seemed to be very warm and sunny except for several sad days it became a gloomy rainy day.

The story of Taxi Cat and Huey was a book of fantasy.

There were a number of different examples that shown this. This novel was told from the point of view of the very dignified dog-named Huey. Huey, a much loved, Bassett hound, is a six year old pooch that is explained to be very well-fed by his owners Fred and Maureen Walton. Huey finds his peaceful, uneventful life upset by the arrival of Taxi, a cross-eyed, irrepressible kitten with a marvelous talent for getting into trouble. Taxi thinks he is a ninja warrior and tells Huey that a piece of string he plays with is his pet snake, named Sushi. Soon enough, Taxi and Huey find themselves becoming friends.

A second example that showed that this book was a fantasy was shown in chapter eighteen. In this chapter Huey realized that Taxi had fallen in love with Boots. Boots is the female cat that comes in the book during chapter ten. Huey had heard a scuffling noise coming from upstairs in the attack and began barking until he got the attention of Fred and Maureen Walton. Fred got a ladder to open the door to the ceiling from in the kitchen. When he opened the door, to his surprise there laid a terrified cat that had after that became apart of the family. The example it that animals don't fall in love or talk to each other like people do.

A third example that I found in the book was in chapter three. In this chapter, the Walton's house was the victim of a break in by two male robbers. Huey gave a few ferocious barks, and then ran under the kitchen sink after being told to "Beat it!" by one of the Burglars. The Burglars began packing the Walton's things such as the following: the VCR, television, stereo, camera, and Mrs. Walton's silver wall sconces that had once belonged to her grandmother. They were about ready to leave, but were first looking for something to tie up their satchel full of the Walton's belongings. They saw Taxi's String, or assistant snake Sushi, and grabbed it to use. When Taxi saw them take his string, he went Berserk and he began to attack. After Taxi finished kicking, clawing, and biting, the two burglars ran out the back door screaming, and as you can tell, a cat really cannot stop a burglary.