Technology Grants

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Grants for Technology Degrees On April 1,Governor Rick Perry showed appreciation for $4.5 million in technology grants. We already know that Perry intends to focus on Higher Education as one of his four priorities. This was no April Fool's joke, but perhaps a bribe to coerce students into following a career-path in the computer sciences and various form of engineering. A law was passed last year to allow for the grants. These grants are intended to attract students to the aforementioned disciplines. Twenty-three universities, both public and private, will share the monies from these grants. As was discovered at the Governor's web site, Higher Education and Technology are among the top 4 priorities for Governor Perry. Also, at that same time we learned that Math is of a major concern and is the target of special testing and a new website. If Texas is to improve its numbers of Engineers and Computer Techs then it must improve on its Math skills.

Without those skills a student will be at the mercy of the professor to teach what should have been done already at the lower levels. If Texas is to be competitive with other states then she must cultivate her crops, i.e. her students and retain them where they will be productive for her. I think grants are a great idea…as money talks. If the money is provided, then students will come. I think it a vicious circle. Higher Education has become so outrageously expensive that students steer another direction, but with the aid of grants (and other forms of financial aid) perhaps they will steer another direction…to computers sciences and engineering.

Posted on Tue, Apr. 02, 2002 State briefs AUSTINGrants to help students get technology degrees With science students and astronaut Ellen Baker by his side, Gov. Rick Perry on Monday lauded $4.5 million in grants meant to help attract more Texans to engineering and computer science. "We must make sure every young Texan who desires to build the next super chip or next lifesaving digital device has access to training and expertise available at one of our many great universities," Perry said at a news conference at the University of Texas' Applied Computational Engineering and Sciences building. The grants were authorized by a state law passed last year that aims to increase the number of Texas students who earn degrees in computer science and other technology fields. "The ideas sound very helpful, especially if they help better prepare students about what to expect when you study in this field. It's hard work, but it's rewarding," said Adam Tate, a 23-year-old computer science and electrical engineering graduate student from Louisiana. Twenty-three public and private universities across the state will receive the grants for various science and technology programs.