TechWriting/Summary Of Disability Coverage

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Section 6- Summary of Disability Coverage The purpose of this section is to clearly explain disability coverage under this policy.

Part A. What is disability coverage? Part B. When am I eligible for disability coverage? Part C. What happens if I get a new injury or sickness within 6 months of returning to work? Part D. What happens if I get a new injury or sickness after 6 months of returning to work? Part E. What happens if I get the same injury or sickness within 6 months of returning to work? Part F. What happens if I get the same injury or sickness after 6 months of returning to work? Part A. What is disability coverage? Disability coverage is when you, the policyholder, get paid for missed days of work as a result of injury or sickness. Your insurance company will pay you for your time off work if you are eligible for disability coverage.

Part B. When am I eligible for disability coverage? You, the policyholder, are eligible for disability coverage: -When you can't perform all your regular work duties -When you can't perform day-to-day non-work related duties AND -On the 31st day of missed work for up to 18 months Part C. What happens if I get a new injury or sickness within 6 months of returning to work? You will receive up to 18 months of disability coverage payment.

For example, you injured your thumb and could not work for three months. Three months later, on the day you returned to work with your healed thumb, you contracted malaria and cannot perform your duties. So, you go home and receive disability coverage payment for up to 18 more months.

Part D. What happens if I get a new injury or sickness after 6 months of returning to work? You will receive up to 18 months of disability coverage payment.

For example, you broke you neck and healed nicely. After you returned to work and successfully performed all your duties for 6 months, you inadvertently got struck by lightening. So, frazzled with a healed neck, you go home and receive disability payment for up to 18 more months.

Part E. What happens if I get the same injury or sickness within 6 months of returning to work? You will receive up to 18 months of disability coverage payment minus the amount of disability coverage payment you received for the previous, but identical, injury or sickness.

However, you are not eligible for more disability coverage payment if: -You've already used your 18 months, -You've returned to work, -AND aggravated your previous injury.

For example, after you recovered from getting struck by lightening, you returned to work 5 months later. During that 5th month back, cheerfully and handily performing all your work duties, you peer out the window to catch a glimpse of what you thought was a rare angelic bird. Blammo! You and the bird both got struck by lightening. So, experienced and smoky, you and the bird go home together. At this point, you will receive up to 18 months of disability coverage payment minus the amount of disability coverage payment you received for the previous, but identical, injury or sickness.

However, you are not eligible for more disability coverage payment if: -You've already used your 18 months, -You've returned to work, -AND aggravated your lightening shock injury.

Part F. What happens if I get the same injury or sickness after 6 months of returning to work? You will receive up to 18 months of disability coverage payment.

However, you are not eligible for more disability coverage payment if: -You've already used your 18 months, -You've returned to work, -AND aggravated your previous injury.

For example, after you recovered from getting struck by lightening, you returned to work 6 months later. After that 6th month back, cheerfully and handily performing all your work duties, you peer out the window to catch a glimpse of what you thought was a rare angelic bird. Blammo! You and the bird both got struck by lightening. So, experienced and smoky, you and the bird go home together. At this point, you will receive up to 18 months of disability coverage payment.

However, you are not eligible for more disability coverage payment if: -You've already used your 18 months, -You've returned to work, -AND aggravated your lightening shock injury.