Teenage Politics

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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"Teenage Politics" (thanks to those lovable MxPx boys) ~by mikie Who in the hell knows what is going on?! Great question. Even greater answer: NOBODY!! If you think you have it down, well you don't. I'm not saying I do by any means. I'm as clueless as any other kid on a skateboard or in a "rock and roll" band. But seriously, honestly..we are all just kids with the same dreams. We all have right now. We all look forward to tomorrow. We all listen to music and have all at one point in our lives experienced angst that apparently, no one else has ever felt. We all hurt. Severity can differ, but deep down, we're all in pain. It hurts to grow up, yet we fight for maturity and age. The answer isn't denial, but it isn't self-pity either. It's appreciation; It's appreciation for eachother. It's appreciation for those that came before us.

It's appreciation for yourself. Live your life. Live it (bad cliche alert) like there's no tomorrow. Live it on Gradnite, and make out with everyone you can. Live it During Spring Break in Paradise. Live it in whatever rut you may be in. Live it between here, the moon, and Las Vegas. Live it like punk rock. Live it past curfew. Live it in your high school football field at midnight on the last day of school. Live it with no thought of tomorrow. Who needs tomorrow when you have today, right now. That's what life is. It's right now all the time. Life can't be lived in tomorrow, because all that you have is right now. It's listening to Matt Sharp sing about his head in the sun while driving to the desert. It's spending the day at Disneyland with a boy you like, striving to make a good impression on him, and getting hit in the head by a suicidal bird. It's being drunk in McDonalds. It's beating the shit out of some kid at an LTJ show. It's jack's broken heart. It's dropping out of college for a girl. It's seeing how many times you can listen to a song after prom. It's prophecys made on June 22nd about how life sucks but it's gonna get better and we're gonna live forever. It's divorce. It's the I-15 in Nevada. It is the end of forever.

*CAUTION* DO NOT LIVE IN THE PAST!! Nothing in life lasts forever, nothing. Things natrually end. You will be sad. You will be even sadder if you do not let go and live in denial. You will be sad when you do let go, but like everything else in life, sadness doesn't last forever. Someone once told me, "Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened." I'm smiling, ear to ear. Ditch school; stay up all nite playing Final Fantasy 7; Steal your friends parents car, and take a road trip to Santa Cruz; Don't care about what's cool and what's not, because truly, madly, deeply..it doesn't matter-trust me; Comprimise what you believe-Don't believe everything you think; Sneak outside your friends window and spy on him while he has sex with a girl; Drive to Mexico; play the music way too loud; get kicked out of a restaurant; If you hate Elton John, listen to "Tiny Dancer"; sleep all day; get drunk with you friends; fall in love; make fun of your friends mom; write a sappy love song; kick in the door at the club your band played in; jump out of a moving truck; almost blow up the physics lab, and most importantly: Don't try and understand a thing about it. When all of this is over, you'll understand that you know absoutly nothing. But that's ok; to spend half of your life in disillusionment is healthy. Allow room for change. Sometimes what you know is going to change, and you'll have no choice but to start from square one. You'll have to find something else to believe in. But that's ok. Change. Change for the better. Don't allow yourself to stagnate. I once saw somebody write in a yearbook,"..dont ever change.." How depressing is that? If I spend my whole life thinking the same things, I will have been a sad and pathetic creature. Things are changing as fast as life, and so should opinions and views. Don't get mad if on Thursday your friend hates abortion and on Friday, she loves it. Praise the open-mindedness, and strive to think something different. Start a religion...

Deep down, deep deep deep down, we are all the same. We have a common enemy: the future. Oscar Wilde said, "youth is wasted on the young." I refuse to let that be true. I refuse to waste my time as the disenchanted youth of America. Renton said to choose life. I am going to choose life on so many different levels. I'm going to take advantage of now. I may wake up every moring knowing nothing of what might happen, but as long as that sun rises, I am going to find a way to rule the world. As long as that sun rises, I'm going to give a huge fuck you to those that will never understand. I'm going to thank everyone who does, and appreciate where I wouldn't be now without them. I'm going to be in love. I'm gonna look for a happy ending and I'm gonna play my music as hard as I can for everyone. I'm going to look at yesterday and thank Heaven for it, and I'm gonna put it all into a box. I'm going to store high school in my closet. I'm going to keep summers past there as well...I know everything because I know nothing. Socrates could not have been more right. I'm taking everything I know, writting it into a song, and burning the words in a post-summer bonfire. I'm taking the ashes and putting them on her grave. I'll put some in a plane to Colorado, and I'll put a few in my box...

I'm going to put my pen down for awhile, get my car keys, and drive. I'm driving along the coast, sneaking glances when I can at the setting sun. I'm driving with no destination in mind, windows down, and I'm wondering: What's going to happen this Spring Break...