Teens And The Media

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Teens and the Media Teens essentially run today's economy, which this video clearly stated. They go crazy at the sight of new thing and are incredibly materialistic, which is why we market to them so heavily. It can be argued that they are basically the backbone to our economy. It is incredibly hard to say that they aren't. If they are not going out and buying their own needles things with their hard earned money, then they are taking mommy or daddy's credit card and using that to buy their materialistic goods, and if not that then it is mommy and daddy trying to buy their love or make up for things that they couldn't do, or for just not being there at all. All and all teens are in the driver's seat of the market. Think about what kind of ideal life that teens live and what they enjoy.

They want to live a rich, glamorous life, filled with fun and riches, I mean who doesn't? Along with this goes sex, music, and partying. These are the things that makes teens tick and are the things that they care about the most, so the industry takes advantage of it.

Teens live in the MTV generation, with a fast-paced life-style and advertisers try to take advantage of this. A vast majority of the ads you see on television that are geared Townsend 2 towards teens try to hi-light this glamorous life-style in order to catch teens' attention. In order to do this, you see a lot of ads with sex included in them in some way or another. This is what teens want to see and most importantly it is what sells, face it, sex sells, and it sells well. In this aspect of the video, I completely agree. I definitely think that teens are very manipulative human beings and will do almost whatever it takes to get what they want, which falls back on to their parents and grandparents buying material things for them in order to make them happy. You would have to be stupid if you didn't try to market everything possible to probably the most influential demographic on the planet.

However, I do disagree with on small aspect of the movie. This film said that teens are unresponsive to name brands. In my opinion, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Many times teens are just paying for the name because they want to look cool. Otherwise you wouldn't have your Abercrombie & Fitch, or your Banana republic, or even your Structure, and maybe not even your department store name brands. Everybody would be shopping at hole in the wall places trying to find the cheapest thing possible. Teens want their peers to know where they got their new shirt or pants, because in their world, where you shop is a status thing. Teens are very into themselves and what other people think about them, which is why they want the name brands.

As you can see, teens are shallow, superficial, and controlling young people who can essentially run our economy with their greed. With this in mind, why not market to these people to the fullest capacity, showing them glamour, sex, and music, the things they want, because that is what advertising is, it shows people what they want to see.