On Their Own Terms-Women in Politics

Essay by audyfish10University, Bachelor'sA+, April 2006

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Martha Angle clearly points out in her thesis article the discrimination and obstacles women go through when entering the political system. Their hardships not only as women, but also as mothers, make it a more difficult a path to enter than for their fellow male complement. Women in today's society are steadily making progress, as one can see when comparing the number of women in Congress today to the number fifty years ago, but it is still not enough. The percentage of women in Congress is 14%. There are only 59 members in the House and only 14 senators.

Angle talks about many of the women who have started to clear the way into the political system for other women. A woman, such as Nancy Peolosi, has acheived the highest-ranking position in Congress that a woman has ever held. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Barbara A. Mikulski are vice chairperson and secretary of their party committee.

Unlike men in their field, women are also dealt more responsiblity: their God given responsibility to be a mother. Entering the institution of national governmant the "children factor" is not as strong when it is a man than as it is as a woman. For example, Deborah Pryce's ability to be conference chairperson was questioned because she had just adopted an infant girl. Would she be able to handle the role of a government official and the role of a mother? These are such questions and factors that women are faced with today when entering the national government workforce. Although, the progress has been slow and tedious, the American woman is moving up in the wolrd of politics, and will continue to strive for equal leadership roles until the task is accomplished.