
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2002

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The play by William Shakespeare, "Titus Andronicus", shows that Titus is a bad father. Titus dishonors his children. He also has little regard for his children's lives. The desires of Titus' own children mean nothing to him.

Showing dishonor for his children displays how Titus is a bad father. Titus speaks to his son Lucius saying "Nor thou, nor he, are any sons of mine"(I.i.1), showing dishonor for all his sons. This is again seen when Titus thinks two of his sons actually killed their brother-in-law when he says, "the law hath taken revenge on them"(III.i.1). To express such thoughts shows that Titus has no honor for his sons.

Titus is a bad father for he has no regard for the lives of his children. His brother Marcus tells him "In a wrongful quarrel you have slain your son"(I.i.1). Titus' low regard for his children's lives is again brought out when he "Kills Lavinia"(VI.i.3),

his daughter. Titus kills his own children making his regard for his children's lives non-existent.

There is no concern for his children's desires, making Titus a bad father. Against his daughter's wishes to leave the emperor, Titus tells his son to "restore Lavinia to the emperor"(I.i.1). Opposition to his children is again seen as his sons want to bury their brother. Titus tells them "away! not in this tomb"(I.i.1), unwilling to fulfill their wishes.