
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Description This dialog is used to display a disc's table-of-contents and CD-TEXT information.

Controls CDROM Reader Select a CDROM reader device from this list. The selection will only be valid until you close the dialog. To select a permanent default, use the Devices and Settings dialog.

Devices Click on this button to access the Devices and Settings dialog.

Disc Information - Details about the disc are displayed in this area.

Number of Sessions - Displays the total number of sessions on the disc. Note: This feature has not been implemented yet and always displays one (1).

Number of Tracks - Displays the total number of tracks in all sessions.

Total Disc Time - Displays the disc's total running time in minutes, seconds, and frames.

Media Catalog Number - Displays the disc's catalog or UPC number. Note: The MCN is rarely used on commercial discs.

Track Information - The disc's table-of-contents is displayed in this area.

Track - Specifies the track number (1 to 99). Note: Track numbers can start at a number other than one, but all numbers must be sequential after the first track.

Type - Specifies the track type (Audio, Data, Mode1, or Mode2).

MM:SS:FF - Specifies the starting time of the track in minutes, seconds, and frames.

LBA - Specifies the starting "logical block number" of the track.

DCP - Specifies whether the "digital copy permitted" subcode flag is set or not.

PRE - Specifies whether the "pre-emphasis" subcode flag is set or not.

4CH - Specifies whether the "four channel audio" subcode flag is set or not.

ISRC - Displays the track's "International Standard Recording Code". Note: The ISRC is only valid for audio tracks and is rarely used on commercial discs.

Read Data Mode Select this option to enable the reading of all data track modes (select Refresh to reload the table-of-contents).

Read MCN/ISRC Select this option to enable the reading of MCN and ISRC codes (select Refresh to reload the table-of-contents). Note: This operation is very slow (approximately 2 seconds per track).

Refresh TOC Click on this button to reload the disc's table-of-contents and update the screen.

Display CD-TEXT Click on this button to display a disc's CD-TEXT information. Note: CD-TEXT is only supported by a few CDROM drives and discs.

Close Click on this button to close the dialog and return to the main toolbar.